7 Ways to Intentionally Use Your Photos and Videos
My grandfather passed away a few years ago. More recently I was given a photo album that was found in his bedroom as my father was sorting through his things. It was filled with photos, newspaper clippings and theater...

My grandfather passed away a few years ago. More recently I was given a photo album that was found in his bedroom as my father was sorting through his things. It was filled with photos, newspaper clippings and theater programs of me growing up through the years.
My grandfather was a man of few words and emotions. Sentimentality was not what he was known for. I had no idea that he was saving these things or that he had created such a lovely photo album to hold them all.
It was such a beautiful gift, not only to have this collection of memories, but to know that they were special to him and he took the time and effort to compile them.
My grandfather’s intentional use of photos was an inspiration to me that filled me with joy. It got me thinking about all the ways I currently use my photos and videos intentionally and spread joy to others in the process.
Here are 7 ways to intentionally use your photos and videos.
1. Yearly Photo Book
I’ve created a yearly photo book for our family the past five years. It has been one of the best uses of our photos. The photo books are stored very visibly on a shelf in our living room and we frequently take them out to look through them. My kids love them, I love them, and my husband loves them. Our family members who visit also love to flip through them too.
I also create separate smaller photo books for vacations that we go on each year. This helps to keep the size of the yearly photo book down a bit.
The great thing about these photo books are they are saved in the account on the website that I used to create the book. Heaven forbid we have a fire, flood or other extenuating circumstances that destroyed the books the photos would be easily recovered.
2. Gifts
A couple of years ago I started using photos as gifts. I gave all the grandparents a photo calendar and they loved it. It started a tradition that we still do now. I also gift grandparents a framed copy of the kids school photos for the year. There are so many ways to creatively gift photos.
3. Blog or Social Media
I use my blog to organize our memories in an easy way for me to go back and view. A blog might not be for everyone, but maybe a private Instagram that you share with only a select few would work for you.
4. Google Drive
A family member added us to a google drive folder where she uploads photos of her daughter and others who are added to the folder can do the same. I thought that was a fantastic way to share, organize and gather photos from others.
5. Photo Collages
These either can be made the old fashion way with printed photos, glue and scissors or online with a photo service. I frame the collage and it’s a beautiful piece of art to decorate our home. Copies could also easily be made and gifted to others.
6. Photo Canvas
I have also had my photos printed on canvas and use this as artwork for my home.
7. YouTube
This helps me more intentionally access the videos I take. I create a yearly movie (kind of like my photo book) then upload it to YouTube and set it as private or unlisted, if I want other family members with the link to see it. I do this with vacation videos also. I save the video other places too, but we are much more likely to actually watch these videos if they are easily accessed on YouTube vs just stored on an external hard drive.
About the Author: Nikki Cox is a mommy of two striving to clear away the clutter both physical and emotional so she can live life with intention and clarity. Find her at Lovelylucidlife.com.