Credit Suisse announces leadership shake-up
During the past week, the bank has announced senior appointments including a new CEO for APAC, as well as Group results for 1Q22 and details from its AGM.

During the past week, the bank has announced senior appointments including a new CEO for APAC, as well as Group results for 1Q22 and details from its AGM.

May 03, 2022
Switzerland-headquartered Credit Suisse last week made a number of announcements relating to its Annual General Meeting AGM, first quarter 2022 earnings, and changes across its executive leadership.
CEO of the Asia Pacific region, Helman Sitohang pictured right announced plans to retire from his current post and the bank’s Executive Board, from June. His office will be replaced by Singapore-based Edwin Low pictured left, whose current leadership remit entails being co-head of Investment Bank APAC, co-head of Investment Banking Capital Markets IBCM APAC, and CEO for Southeast Asia.
Having joined the bank in 1998 from Bankers Trust, Sihotang commenced his career with...
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