East Asian Dharma Celebration 2025
More than 150 students attended the East Asian Dharma Celebration 2025 with Gen Kelsang Tonglam at Kadampa Meditation Center Hong Kong.

National Spiritual Director, Gen Tonglam granted the blessing empowerment of Buddha Vajrapani
From our hearts, we thank Venerable Geshe-la for this opportunity to gather all our dear Sangha and receive these teachings and blessings.
During the weekend our kind National Spiritual Director, Gen Tonglam granted the blessing empowerment of Buddha Vajrapani, and gave a commentary on the practice. He then gave wonderful practical teachings on how to guard our mind using mindfulness and alertness during meditation and in our daily lives.
Thank you to Gen Tonglam, and Kadam Dianna for guiding the meditations and all our kind volunteers for making this auspicious event happen.