Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings – Part 2
Previously we shared photos from centers around the world celebrating New Year's Eve in various ways. Here we share more from that day. Enjoy!

We happily end the 24-hour retreat of Green Tara, our enlightened mother, dedicating all our merit for the flourishing of pure Kadam Dharma throughout the world.
And with great faith and devotion we dedicate that in our local area we all benefit from Buddha's perfect methods to be happy, and that our spiritual community will always be in harmony, with the same goal, the same direction, the same intention, without division and without distance, joyful and united.
May all present and future obstacles disappear quickly, and may the joyful efforts of all of us who love KBC Sukhavati bear abundant fruit without delay.
We also dedicate for our main Teachers: Gen-la Dekyong, Gen-la Jampa and Gen Sangden. And for our Resident Teacher, Gen Wangchog, and for all the Sukhavati students.
May Guru Tara always protect us and bless us day and night as we begin, make progress on, and complete the liberating path of the Kadam Lamrim of Sutra and Tantra. Thank you Guru Tara! The effects of this beautiful retreat are yet to come. How wonderful!
At the end of the 24-hour Green Tara retreat, we enjoyed the prayers to Dharma protector Dorje Shugden, Melodious Drum Victorious in all Directions. We leave 2024 and enter 2025 with blessing and protection so that our love compassion and wisdom will continue to grow this year.
As this center becomes 20 years old next August may it be ever better and more beneficial to all sentient beings.
Thank you, Venerable Geshe-la and the NKT. Thank you, Gen Sangden. Thank you, all of you.