Five Feng Shui Principles that can Boost your Personal Wellbeing and Professional Success

Struggling with your health or career? This ancient Chinese practice may be the solution By Nathalie Khouri Have you ever walked into a room and felt that the energy wasn’t quite right? Energy is a vital life force that...

Five Feng Shui Principles that can Boost your Personal Wellbeing and Professional Success

Struggling with your health or career? This ancient Chinese practice may be the solution
By Nathalie Khouri

Have you ever walked into a room and felt that the energy wasn’t quite right? Energy is a vital life force that impacts every aspect of our wellbeing, so if the energy flow around us is poor, we won’t be performing at our best. What’s more, this negative energy flow can contribute to health problems, sleepless nights, mental stress and even family conflict and career stagnation.

Feng Shui

An ancient solution to modern challenges

The day-to-day challenges of fatigue, anxiety, isolation, and creative block are often regarded as unavoidable consequences of the pace of modern life. Yet the centuries-old art of Feng Shui – the practice of optimizing the flow of energy, or ‘chi’ – can offer a solution that quickly transforms a state of despair into one of harmony and positivity.

As the practice has attracted much attention in recent decades, Feng Shui principles have been modernized and widely documented for the new era of design. However, it is the original, undocumented art, which can only be learnt from designated Feng Shui masters, that carries the unique traditions practiced by the ancient Chinese dynasties.

Feng Shui

Feng Shui in practice

Feng Shui involves arranging an environment to enhance the flow of energy. Every room is different and requires its own analysis of layout, colours, materials, and objects to unblock energy flows and create the optimum space. The practice also introduces the elements of nature including fire, water, wood, earth and metal, to help balance the energy within a room.

Simple solutions like rearranging existing furniture, adjusting colours, and adding or removing certain elements can have a significant impact on your overall wellbeing, but the art can also dive much deeper. Feng Shui practices can be specifically customized based on astrology, using a birth date to chart energy flows in a person’s life path and how that might impact their home space.

Five principles to benefit any home

While Feng Shui is a personalized solution, there are some basis principles that can be practiced to improve wellbeing in any home.

Don’t sleep under an open window
If you’re having sleepless nights, the position of your bed could be the issue. Sleeping directly beneath a window channels a negative energy flow that keeps you awake at night and constantly tired during the day. Moving your bed to another place in the room could provide the solution. Don’t work facing a wall
Positioning a desk against the wall can block concentration and creativity.  Working with your back to the wall and an open space in front of your desk will promote a more positive energy flow. Always close bathroom doors
Isolate negative bathroom energy by keeping the door closed to protect the rest of your home. Don’t allow electronic devices into the bedroom
A harmonious environment promotes restful sleep, so electronic devices should be kept outside the bedroom, or at the very least, away from your bedside. Position your sofa with its back to the wall
A sofa is a place for calm and comfort but positioned in the middle of the room it promotes active energy, making it difficult to rest. Placing a sofa with its back against the wall provides support for proper relaxation.

As the ancient Chinese used Feng Shui effectively to promote their health and wealth, the modern world can apply these principles to combat the personal and professional challenges of the 21st century, reclaiming their own health and wealth in the process.

Nathalie Khouri is the creative director at interior design studio Ralee. She is a Feng Shui practitioner and part of the International Feng Shui Guild association.