German Tour: Freiburg and Stuttgart

Freiburg (Weekend retreat with all-ages sangha, hiking, Earth-Holder event, and an evening with the Wake Uppers) Freiburg, our first stop, has received us with open arms, blooming hillside meadows, and much anticipation to hold our first-weekend retreat. From many...

German Tour: Freiburg and Stuttgart


(Weekend retreat with all-ages sangha, hiking, Earth-Holder event, and an evening with the Wake Uppers)

Freiburg, our first stop, has received us with open arms, blooming hillside meadows, and much anticipation to hold our first-weekend retreat. From many nearby cities, the Sangha of all ages gathered, and it was a great joy to reunite, collect ourselves, share the Dharma, and grow closer together. Following the weekend we had time to enjoy hiking, participate in an Earth Holder gathering in front of the town hall, meet the Wake Up Sangha, and exchange much mutual appreciation and feedback with the organising team. It was a great start to our tour and we left with memories of heartfelt connection and joy.


(Public talk in the Hospitalhof, weekend retreat with all-ages sangha and hiking)

In Stuttgart we first had the precious opportunity to be hosted by the Hospitalhof – in the spirit of inter-religious dialogue – for a public talk and practice evening with 100 participants, followed by a weekend retreat in the anthroposophical Michael Bauer school, which had a wonderfully lively atmosphere. One of the great joys of this retreat was the transmission of the 5 Mindfulness Trainings to 6 Sangha members, which prompted a rich exchange of stories of healing and transformation. Many shared their joys of seeing the 4-fold Sangha coming to life for them, and how our coming together has brought them a greater depth and understanding of the Plum Village tradition.

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