Health & Nutrition

Battle over smoking in New Jersey casinos pits workers' health against profits

Battle over smoking in New Jersey casinos pits workers'...

The casino industry says a total ban on smoking would hurt business and result in...

We're selling half of a retail holding to get into an undervalued health care stock

We're selling half of a retail holding to get into an undervalued...

The high grading of our portfolio continued Wednesday morning, with the moves made...

We're adding to a health insurance stock on the dip that had great earnings

We're adding to a health insurance stock on the dip that...

This company got off to a solid start this year, reporting at the end of last month...

Biden invokes Defense Production Act to boost baby formula manufacturing to ease shortage

Biden invokes Defense Production Act to boost baby formula...

Parents have been struggling to buy formula for their infants since the closure...

Randomized Controlled Trials of Beans

Randomized Controlled Trials of Beans

Do legumes—beans, chickpeas, split peas, and lentils—work only to prevent disease,...

Blueberry Blocking Effects of Yogurt

Blueberry Blocking Effects of Yogurt

What happened when researchers tried to tease out what’s in dairy that interferes...

Europe drops mask mandate for flights and airports, loosening Covid rules further

Europe drops mask mandate for flights and airports, loosening...

The EU's mask mandate for passengers on flights and in airports ends on Monday,...

Novavax confident Covid vaccine will receive FDA authorization in June after delays

Novavax confident Covid vaccine will receive FDA authorization...

If the FDA committee endorses Novavax's shot, the drug regulator is almost certain...

U.S. to boost baby formula imports to ease nationwide shortage after Abbott Nutrition recall

U.S. to boost baby formula imports to ease nationwide shortage...

During the first week of May, 43% of baby formula supplies were out of stock at...

U.S. licenses key Covid vaccine technology to WHO so other countries can develop shots

U.S. licenses key Covid vaccine technology to WHO so other...

The license would help the World Health Organization work with manufacturers around...