Homage to Tara at the Portugal Temple
Recently at the Temple for World Peace in Sintra Kadampa Meditation Centre Deuachen celebrated a special event called 24 Hours of Tara.

"As heavy rain fell seeming to accompany the prayers, we were reminded of the compassionate tears of Avalokiteshvara from which the wind element of all Buddhas appeared as Tara. The thunder and wind reminded us of Tara's power and swiftness in helping all living beings. And the contrast between the turbulent exterior and the peace and beauty inside the temple seemed to symbolise the perfect protection we find in the Three Jewels.
"Our Resident Teacher Gen Rigden presided over the retreat and encouraged us to make an effort, especially during the early hours of the morning, which was certainly worth it.
"At the end everyone was full of blessings and very happy."
"On the 1st of December, on Independence Day, Portugal's bank holidays, a very special event for children and families was held.
"To illustrate some of the Buddhist values conveyed such as faith, compassion, wisdom and humility, during the class Gen Rigden told beautiful stories from the Kadampa tradition which were then used as the basis for an informal theatre performance.
"A wonderful end to a beautiful family day where children, teenagers and adults could enjoy the wisdom of Dharma and create a beautiful connection with our Blessed Mother, Arya Tara."
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