I'm An M.D. & This Is The Supplement I Trust For Consistently Deep Sleep
Because quality sleep is everything.

September 20, 2022 — 10:32 AM
Sleep plays an integral role in our overall health, influencing everything from our energy levels to digestion and more. And even the best sleepers among us need a hand sometimes, whether you're dealing with stress or having a random bout of restless nights.
When those moments arise, sleep supplements can be helpful—but they're not all created equal. It's important to choose one with ingredients that are science-backed to improve sleep, such as magnesium.*
Here, immunologist and functional medicine expert Heather Moday, M.D., explains why magnesium is essential for sleep—and how sleep support+ offers a powerful and convenient way to get it.
What this functional medicine expert takes for a great night's sleep.
Magnesium is a mineral involved in over 300 different biochemical pathways in the body, and that includes ones that promote relaxation. "When we're stressed, we use up our body's store of magnesium. This is one reason why I've been experimenting with taking magnesium for better, more restful sleep for years,"* Moday writes in her review of mbg's sleep support+ supplement.
The integrative medicine specialist explains that magnesium supports muscle relaxation and eases the release of stress hormones like adrenaline, helping to maintain a healthy cortisol response. "It's also crucial in maintaining healthy serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain, which are both needed for mood and a clear mind during the day," she adds.
And in her quest to find the best magnesium supplement available, Moday discovered mbg's pioneering sleep support+ formula. After taking it for a few months, her deep sleep increased in duration, she fell asleep faster, and she woke up feeling more refreshed, Moday writes in her review.*
"Problems with sleep are some of the most widespread issues I see in my practice—they're really a major epidemic. mindbodygreen's sleep support+ helps combat poor sleep due to the unique combination of magnesium bisglycinate, jujube, and PharmaGABA®, which induce relaxation and calm and help maximize sleep quality,"* she says of the product.
This one-of-a-kind trio of powerful ingredients comes together to make a supplement that supports restful sleep, relaxation, and stress reduction in the body.*
Whether stress keeps you up at night, you're trying to get your sleep schedule back on track, or you just want deeper rest, a sleep supplement could help (as long as your sleep hygiene is up to par first). If you do decide to invest in one, take Moday's advice and go for a supplement with ingredients shown to improve multiple facets of sleep, like sleep support+.*
If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.