More Dharma developments in South America
Dharma is developing in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) as students pay their first visit to their new premises, and Dharma is taught for the first time in Rosario (Argentina) with a public talk followed by a retreat.

New visits and new starts - Rosario (Argentina)
For the first time in mid-March we organized a public talk and retreat with Gen Kelsang Rinchung in the City of Rosario, in the province of Santa Fe.
About 70 people participated in the public talk and about 30 people in the retreat. They had the opportunity to receive practical advice on how to transform adverse conditions in their spiritual path.
At the end of the event people were very grateful and appreciated the simple, profound and clear teachings of Kadam Dharma.
Rosario is located 300 km from Buenos Aires and 400 km from Cordoba. It is the third largest city in the country.