Passenger captures aircraft’s near-miss with UFO on video
It’s unclear what the object was

A passenger onboard a commercial flight captured the moment the aircraft came within striking distance of an unidentified flying object (UFO).
The traveller was onboard a Singapore Airlines flight on 17 January and began filming the plane’s descent into Zurich, Switzerland, through the window.
At first the video, filmed between 7.20 and 7.50am, simply shows the picturesque landscape, complete with lakes and fields.
But after the aircraft tilts to the right, a white object can be seen streaking across the sky just below its flight path.
It is impossible to say what the object was, as it moved out of shot too quickly.
It’s the latest in a string of incidents involving near-misses between aircraft and objects.
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The pilots of the Airbus A321 on 15 October reported seeing a “bright red object” passing along the left-hand side of the plane, not far from the left wing, after the aircraft had just passed 3,000ft in altitude.
The speed they were travelling at made it impossible to say whether the object was a helium balloon or a drone – if the latter, it was flying at 7.5 times the legal limit in the UK (400ft).
Pilots had already been warned to watch out after a previous drone sighting to the east of the airfield.
They engaged the autopilot function after take-off in order to “maintain lookout”.
According to the UK Airprox Board, which investigates near misses between aircraft and objects, the incident was classed as category A: the highest risk level.
“The Board considered that the pilot’s overall account of the incident portrayed a situation where providence had played a major part in the incident and/or a definite risk of collision had existed,” reads the report.