Post Festival Retreat At Tharpaland KMC
Read more about Tharpaland where there will be a post summer festival retreat with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab in August.

Tharpaland is based in Schloss Sommerswalde just 25km from Berlin and yet in a different world. The Centre offers more than 55 rooms for accommodation including eight comfortable, modern en-suite apartments for solitary retreat. You can now plan and book your own solitary retreat.
The café in the historic "Garden Hall" has become very popular for Berlin day-trippers and local people alike. As for the future, the International Temples Project plans the construction of a Kadampa Temple for World Peace on site.
The Resident Teacher at Tharpaland is Gen Kelsang Ananda, the National Spiritual Director for Germany, Slovenia, Romania, and Czech Republic. Also various German Resident Teachers visit throughout the year to teach courses such as the Weekend Getaway which has been a great success - nurturing and light meditation courses to relax and replenish. Throughout the year, there is a great variety of regular courses - "Meaningful Sundays", in-depth and seasonal retreats such as the popular Winter Retreat, Post-Festival retreats, empowerments, and the annual German Festival and Dharma Celebrations.