Quiz: How much do you know about the U.S. minimum wage?

Is the minimum wage more than $10 per hour? Which state has the highest minimum wage in the country? Test your knowledge about pay in the U.S.

Quiz: How much do you know about the U.S. minimum wage?

The U.S. minimum wage can be a complicated thing. There's the federal minimum wage, each state's minimum wage — plus some cities have their own minimum wages as well. On top of that there's also the tipped minimum. It can all be a lot to try to remember or understand.

But it's critical to know what the laws are in your district or anywhere you might want to live. Workers across industries are subject to minimum wage pay and it helps to prepare for what your salary could look like.

Take Make It's quiz to find out how much you know about the minimum wage nationally, locally and per industry.

(Click here to take the quiz)

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