Recent Activities in France

September in France began with inspiring events. KMC France, KMC Metz, KMC Toulouse, and KMC Montpellier hosted a range of events, from torma-making course and open doors to an Empowerment of Buddha Avalokiteshvara.

Recent Activities in France

The following weekend, around thirty people attended the Avalokiteshvara Empowerment at KMC Montpellier. The commentary on the Four Concentrations from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche's book 'Tantric Grounds and Paths', given by Kadam Olivier, concluded with an Offering to the Spiritual Guide.

"It was also an opportunity to bid farewell to a Sangha member who, after three years of valuable assistance at CMK Montpellier, is returning to KMC France to continue actively supporting the flourishing of Kadam Dharma in France."