The American Academy of Learned Societies Places Buddhist Scholars at Four Cultural Institutions Including Tricycle

Tricycle is excited to welcome Frederick Ranallo-Higgins, PhD, from the University of California, Los Angeles. The post The American Academy of Learned Societies Places Buddhist Scholars at Four Cultural Institutions Including Tricycle appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review.

The American Academy of Learned Societies Places Buddhist Scholars at Four Cultural Institutions Including Tricycle

Trike Daily Buddha BuzzNews

Tricycle is excited to welcome Frederick Ranallo-Higgins, PhD, from the University of California, Los Angeles.

By TricycleJun 11, 2022

The American Council of Learned Societies Names Inaugural Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation Buddhism Public Scholars Awards

On Tuesday, the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) announced the recipients of a new initiative supported by the Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation that places four early career scholars in professional positions with leading museums and publishers that focus on Buddhism. 

“ACLS has a long and successful history of championing early career scholars and publicly engaged humanities,” said ACLS President Joy Connolly in a press release. “Since 2020, we have approached this commitment with more urgency due to the damage the COVID-19 pandemic did to the job market, which disproportionately affected recent PhD recipients.” The goal of the program is to further understanding of Buddhist art and ideas in the world. Wisdom Publications will host Christopher Hiebert, PhD, from the University of Virginia. The National Museum of Asian Art at the Smithsonian Institution will host Hillary Langberg, PhD, from the University of Texas at Austin.The Detroit Institute of Arts will host Joseph Leach, PhD, from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor. And Tricycle is excited to welcome Frederick Ranallo-Higgins, PhD, from the University of California, Los Angeles. Ranallo-Higgins studied under the mentorship of Dr. Robert Buswell, Jr., director of the UCLA Center for Buddhist Studies, and his dissertation explored some of the real-world implications and challenges of Buddhism and its institutions.

On Monday, ACLS also named the 20 recipients of the 2022 Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Dissertation Fellowships, Early Career Research Fellowships, and Translation Grants in Buddhist Studies. These scholars join a group of 230 past recipients of the grants for their work in Buddhist studies. 

The Taliban Incites New Concern Over Buddhist Heritage Sites in Afghanistan

Despite hopes that the Taliban will protect ancient Buddhist city Mes Aynak to appease China, Foreign Policy published an article this week saying that the militant group continues to loot and destroy archaeological treasures from and assaulting the Hazara people who live in Bamiyan province, where the Taliban destroyed two giant Buddha statues 20 years ago.

Bhutanese Lama, Filmmaker, and Author Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche Will Give a Public Teaching

In celebration of Saga Dawa—the most significant holiday period of the year for Tibetan Buddhists—Bhutanese lama Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche will deliver a free public teaching. The talk will be held on June 14–15 under the theme “Buddha Dharma: An Indian Heritage.” 

Digital Artist LuYang Creates Video Game Inspired by the Diamond Sutra

The game, titled The Great Adventure of Material World, follows its protagonist through a futuristic and multidimensional exploration of selfhood, impermanence, and desire. 

CNN Profiles Korean Buddhist Nun Jeong Kwan, Recipient of Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants Icon Award

Kwan, who lives in the Chunjinam Hermitage at the Baekyangsa temple in South Korea, has become a well-known ambassador of Korean temple cuisine. 

Most U.S. Universities Lack Minority Religious Student Groups, Study Shows

A peer-reviewed study from the American Sociological Association reports that 66 percent of U.S. colleges and universities are without student groups for Jewish, Buddhist, and Hindu students. 

A Podcast with Scholar Roger Jackson on Views of Rebirth Across Buddhist traditions

In the latest episode of Tricycle Talks, scholar Roger Jackson answers the big questions around Buddhism and rebirth. Listen here

Roger Jackson

A Closer Look at a New Course Introducing High School Students to the Diversity of American Buddhism

Co-taught by author Chenxing Han and philosophy and religion instructor Andrew Housiaux, “Listening to the Buddhists in Our Backyard” immersed high school seniors in local Buddhist communities. Read about the course here

An Interview with Elisabeth Benard on Her New Book, Which Uncovers the Hidden World of Tibetan Female Lamas

Tricycle spoke with Scholar Elisabeth Benard about her new book, The Sakya Jetsunmas: The Hidden World of Tibetan Female Lamas. Benard traces the history of the Sakya Khon family’s jetsunmas (venerable women) through persecution and exile, up to the present day. Read the interview here.

June 13: A Virtual Workshop on Understanding Dependent Arising 

In preparation for Tricycle’s newest online course, Bodhi College cofounders Stephen Batchelor, Christina Feldman and Akincano Weber will host a free, hour-long virtual workshop exploring dependent arising as the bedrock of Buddhist wisdom. Register here.

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