This Angel Number Is The Ultimate Message Of Support—So Watch Out For It
Plus what to do when you see it.

March 29, 2023 Our editors have independently chosen the products listed on this page. If you purchase something mentioned in this article, we may From 111 to 999, certain number sequences have particular meanings, acting as messengers from our guides and the universe. In the case of angel number 1212, if you keep seeing it, you'll want to pay attention. Here's what it means, plus what to do when you see it.
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What are angel numbers?
Angel numbers are sequences of repeating numbers, often seen in sets of three or four (i.e., 222 or 2222), though they can also show up as split numbers (i.e., 3433 or 717). As professional intuitive Tanya Carroll Richardson previously explained to mbg, "Angel numbers are a synchronicity, or a meaningful coincidence—divine guidance from angels and the universe."
The meanings of different digits vary and are often related to how big or small the number is. The number 1 (aka the first single digit), for example, typically indicates a beginning, while the number 9 (the last single digit) often relates to endings or finalities.
The key to understanding angel numbers when you see them is to get clear on what was happening—or what you were thinking about—when you noticed them. As Richardson notes, you might notice the clock at 1:11 as you were thinking about expanding your business, for instance, which would be a positive sign that your angels support that idea.
What 1 and 2 represent in numerology.
Breaking down angel number 1212, let's first look at the number 1. According to medium Megan Michaela Firester (aka Mystic Michaela, think of 1 as the " the architect" number.
"It essentially means that you have the ability to create. When you see this number, it’s a strong sign from the universe that you are being supported with powerful forces to manifest in your life," she explains. Whether this is love, career, health or a courageous pursuit, Firester adds, you are being reminded that you create your own reality.
In the case of the number 2, this number means you're building your life with gratitude. "I call it the 'Trust' number. This means that you are not just hoping for the big things in life to work out for you, but the little things too," Firester tells mindbodygreen, adding that this number reminds you that you're never alone and the many little things you can be grateful for are supporting a miraculous and cumulative outcome.
When you put 1 and 2 together then, 12 is ultimately a number of support. According to Firester, seeing it is a reminder from your angels that as you take the next step, you're not alone. "The new opportunities life has sent your way are here, and now is the time to embrace them in the faith that you will be supported," she says, and trust that the things coming your way are in your highest good.
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1212 angel number meaning.
Pay attention and remain open.
As Firester tells mindbodygreen, when you see 12 repeating, such as with angel number 1212, you can think of it almost like an exclamation point. She notes that your angels are telling you to pay extra attention.
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What to do about it:
We won't hear opportunity knocking if we don't listen. As Firester puts it, "It's possible that you have to be open to seeing what these new opportunities are in order to take advantage of them," she keep your eyes and ears open.
You are divinely supported.
Angel number 1212 is a number of support. Firester notes when you see it, it's a sign that you are supported fully by your angels and that these are the first steps to the goals and dreams you’ve been set upon.
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What to do about it:
According to Firester, seeing 1212 is an exciting sign that you can fully trust the new people, opportunities and arrangements which have just appeared in your life to be for the best.
Gratitude is an essential factor to wellbeing, and sometimes our angels want to remind us of this. As Firester notes, "So many times we can forget to look around and appreciate the beautiful things which come to us daily." Given that support is the message of 1212, she adds that seeing this number is a profound call from your angels to sit in awe and gratitude of how support has come to you today.
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What to do about it:
Take the time to reflect on how you’ve been seen, helped, and supported by unseen forces, Firester suggests. This reflection can help open you up to communication with your spiritual self—the one which resides peacefully within you at all times, she notes.
1212 meaning for love.
If you're single...
If you're single and see angel number 1212 in a moment when you're thinking about your dating life, Firester notes that it's a big sign to stay open to unexpected opportunities that are coming your way.
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What to do about it:
Sometimes opportunities don't seem like opportunities unless we're open to possibilities. As Firester explains, "They may look different and very out of your comfort zone, but they are exactly what you need to change it up and find what's next for you out there in terms of companionship."
If you're in a relationship...
If you're in a relationship and catch 1212 when you're with your partner or thinking about them, Firester says in this instance, it can be a call to get to know your partner in a new or different way.
What to do about it:
We are always shifting and growing, and sometimes we don't realize our loved ones are growing as well. "Perhaps it's time to honor the people you’ve become since meeting so long ago," Firester tells mindbodygreen, adding that getting to know your partner in the present moment—respecting and honoring their evolution, as well as your own—makes things stronger and fortified for the bright future ahead of you.
1212 twin flame meaning.
As a refresher, twin flames represent the idea that one soul can be split into two bodies, resulting in two people having a deep soul connection (which is often romantic but not always). Twin flame connections aren't known for being easy, as they're associated with accelerated spiritual awakenings and intense growth—but twin flames can also facilitate major healing in each other's lives.
In the case of 1212 in a twin flame relationship, Firester says it's asking you to stay aware of all the happenings around you, not just things within your relationship. "Being in a twin flame relationship can be all consuming, and seeing this number while in one begs you to broaden your horizons to other places in your life where opportunity awaits you," she explains.
Can 1212 be a warning?
Angel number 1212 is less of a warning and more of an exclamation point to pay attention. So in instances where you have a bad gut feeling about something and 1212 appears, yes, it could be encouraging you to listen to that instinct.
What does 1212 mean in love for singles?
Seeing 1212 when you're single is a call to stay open to possibilities and opportunities that are heading your way.
Is 1212 an angel number for money?
In the case of money as it relates to 1212, this angel number reminds you to remain open to opportunities for making money, trusting that you're divinely supported, and finding gratitude for what you already have.
What does it mean when you see the hour 1212?
If you catch the time at 1212, your angels are letting you know they're supporting you and opportunities are available to you, so pay attention.
The takeaway.
There are signs from the universe all around us when we're open to them, and remaining open is exactly what angel number 1212 asks us to do. The next time you see it, take it as a sign that you're supported by the universe, and find gratitude for where you're at in your journey as you open yourself up to possibilities.