Travel Weekly editor-in-chief to be godmother of new APT ship Estrela

Lucy Huxley described as ‘advocate for all in the travel trade’

Travel Weekly editor-in-chief to be godmother of new APT ship Estrela

APT has named Travel Weekly editor-in-chief Lucy Huxley as godmother of its newest ship, Estrela.

Paul Melinis, APT Luxury River Cruises & Tours UK and Europe managing director, made the announcement on stage at the Clia RiverView conference in Budapest in front of 400 agents.

He said: “This is special because it is a UK first for APT & Travelmarvel that we are going to have a UK godmother.

“I’m delighted to announce that this person [Lucy Huxley], who I’ve known for many years, absolutely mirrors the brand and is an advocate for everybody in the travel trade, will be godmother of Estrela.”

Huxley will attend the christening ceremony for the ship between April 14 and 17.

She said: “I was very honoured, as anyone would be. I will be naming the ship in April on behalf of all travel agents, Clia members and Travel Weekly readers, so it’s not about me, it’s about all the people that I love and represent.”

The custom newbuild ship will sail the Douro river in Portugal.

Pictured: Paul Melinis, APT Luxury River Cruises & Tours; Lucy Huxley, Travel Weekly; and Andy Harmer, Clia.