Video: Accomplish Your Wishes with the 9 Magnetizing Yidams: Wangdu and 9 mantras

What are the powerful and magnetizing benefits of the Padma Family, and especially the nine red Deities of the Cloud of Blessings? Who are the Nine Enlightened Deities of Amitabha’s Lotus Family of Buddhas? Why is their practice so...

Video: Accomplish Your Wishes with the 9 Magnetizing Yidams: Wangdu and 9 mantras
 Accomplish Your Wishes with the 9 Magnetizing Yidams of the Padma Cloud of Blessings.Wangdu: Accomplish Your Wishes with the 9 Magnetizing Yidams of the Padma Cloud of Blessings.

What are the powerful and magnetizing benefits of the Padma Family, and especially the nine red Deities of the Cloud of Blessings? Who are the Nine Enlightened Deities of Amitabha’s Lotus Family of Buddhas? Why is their practice so important and popular in Mahayana Buddhism? Why do many teachers say that magnetizing activity practice is the most beneficial in this degenerate age, and especially for people new to the Buddha Dharma?



00:00-01:50  Wangdu Introduction: Who are the Nine Padma Deities?

01:51-02:16  The Benefits of the Prayer: Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche

02:17-03:08 Why are Amitabha and the Padma family so Popular?

03:09-05:19  Khenpo Sodargye Rinpoche: Magnetizing Benefits

05:20-06:11  Sacred Symbolism of the Padma Family

06:12-08:30 Kyabje Jigme Phonstock Rinpoche: Why Wangdu is Important

08:31-12:42  Cloud of Blessings or Merit Field and the 3 Kayas

12:42-13:21  Amitabha Dharmakaya Buddha and his MANTRA 3 times

13:22-13:55  Vajradharma Samboghakaya Buddha and his MANTRA 3 times

13:56-15:02 Padmaraja, Lotus King Padmasambhava and his MANTRA

15:02-15:59  Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva Sambhogakaya and his MANTRA

16:00-17:25 Hayagriva Wrathful Heruka and his MANTRA

17:26-18:15 Secret Wisdom Dakini Guhyajnana and her MANTRA

18:16-19:02  Kurukulla, Red Tara and her MANTRA

19:03-20:04  Vajravarahi Dakini and her MANTRA

20:05-20:40  Maha Deva Chakrasamvara aspect, the King of Desire and MANTRA

20:40-22:10  Padma Family PURIFYING MANTRA and Visualization

22:10-26:03  Wangdu Cloud of Blessings Recited in English

IS EMPOWERMENT REQUIRED? Khenpo Sodargye explicitly taught (regarding the Wangdu prayer): “But because it is a prayer, and does not contain explicit Vajrayana practice instructions, and furthermore because many people in Tibet, Han-China and overseas are already chanting this prayer, I think there is no harm to be had from you listening to this teaching.” The visualization we’re presenting is frontally visualized. As for the nine mantras in the video, be guided by your own teachers, but Garchen Rinpoche teaches that with “Bodhichitta” motivation (to benefit all sentient beings) it is fine to practice the mantras (again with frontal visualization (not self-generation unless you do have empowerment.) Most of these mantras are Namo mantras “Om Hrih (name of Yidam) Svaha” or are from praises which are publicly performed.

We answer these questions, and end with a lovely recitation of the great Wangdu, the Great Cloud of Blessings, a mind terma of Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche. According to Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche the benefits are:

“Anyone who prays in this way will, without any doubt, accomplish all magnetizing activities exactly according to their wishes.”

The Buddhas of the Padma family are the most popular in Mahayana Buddhism, especially Amitabha and Avalokiteshvara. Many Mahayana Buddhists aspire to be reborn in the Western Pure Land of the Padma Family, known as Sukhavati. But, since all Buddha’s are ultimately of one nature, and we all have Buddha Nature, why then, are the Padma family Buddhas so appealing and widely practiced? In part it is because the Padma family represent Dharma and Dharma teachings or speech. The other reason is pure charisma. The entire Enlightened family are charming and enticing.

Khenpo Sodargye Rinpoche explains the other reasons:

“For people who are new to dharma practice, the practice of magnetizing would definitely be of benefit. In this degenerate age, people have difficulty truly absorbing the Dharma because they lack inner strength; their path in learning the Dharma is filled with obstacles. If you are one of these people, by practicing magnetizing you will develop inner strength, and be able to bring the Dharma into your mind more easily. Then, no matter what kind of obstacle you encounter, you will be capable of handling it.”

Many Buddhists are attracted to the charismatic emanations of Enlightenment of the Padma family: Serene Amitabha, Compassionate Avalokiteshvara, Powerful Hero Hayagriva, Blissful Vajravarahi and Chakrasamvara, Enchanting Kurukulla, Powerful Vajradharma, and the glorious Lotus King aspect of Padmasambhava. Together, these are the Great Cloud of Blessings of the Padma family, celebrated in the famous practice of the Wangdu.

These are all aspects of Amitabha, who emanates in countless forms to help us.

Kyabje Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche explained why magnetizing and using the Wang Du prayer is the most important to successful practice:

“If you don’t have wealth, Wang Dü can bring you wealth; if you want position, Wang Dü can help you get position. Relying on this prayer, you can gain everything that your heart desires. If however, due to having no control over your mind, you are unable to give rise to bodhicitta, emptiness and other non-worldly accomplishments, reciting Wang Dü with diligence will allow you to gain these qualities with ease.”