What Each Zodiac Sign Should Know For The Year's Only Sagittarius Full Moon
The full moon arrives June 14.

We've got a full moon headed our way this Tuesday, June 14 at 7:52 am EDT, and it's going to fall under the sign of Sagittarius. This moon, like all full moons, will affect us all differently depending on our chart, so here's what each sign should know, according to astrologer Molly Pennington, Ph.D. (Be sure to check your sun and rising sign!)
This is going to feel like a very busy time for you, Aries, with the moon in a fellow fire sign, along with Mars (the planet of action) in your sign. According to Pennington, this full moon also falls in your ninth house of philosophy and expansion, so those themes will be present as well.
If something needs to be taken care of, or even healed, she adds, "think about it before jumping forward—that will come later in the moon cycle. There'll be a time for distributing in the next few weeks, so there's an enthusiasm here but no urgency," she explains.
Taurus, this full moon falls in your eighth house of shadows, secrets, and mystery. You've been going through it lately, with the North Node transiting through your sign, Pennington explains, but this full moon provides an opportunity for deep reflection. "For Taurus it will be about evaluating what is and isn't working and getting ready to either release it or put it in the world," she says, adding the Sag energy from the moon allows flights of fancy, and Taurus can ground down into that.
A couple weeks back, this moon cycle began with a new moon in Gemini, Pennington explains. So this full moon is about what's been culminating, particularly for you, Gemini, and especially following the recent Mercury retrograde.
"And this is happening in the seventh house, the house of relationships," she says, adding communication is an important theme. "The Full Moon is at its peak and then it will wane and circle back through Gemini before the next full moon, so there's a sense of being in the middle of something that's gonna get a fresh start at the end of these two weeks," she notes.
Now's a great time to double down on your health and routines, Cancer, with this full moon landing in your sixth house of health. The next new moon will also be in your sign, Pennington explains, so this is also a good time for Cancers to think about retreating and prepping. "Look ahead, but not too deeply or stressfully—being careful and slow and just giving yourself deeply nurturing rest. You don't have to do anything," she says, adding that there will be plenty of time to work hard when the moon hits your sign.
This full moon lights up your fifth house of creativity and expression, Leo. Similar to Aries, your fiery energy may feel extra strong, with Mars in Aries and the moon in Sag. There can be a sense of warmth, rejuvenation, and enthusiasm, especially around the things you want to create, Pennington notes. Still though, full moons aren't the best time to start things, so she adds to hold still a bit, and think about planting seeds for what wants to emerge in the next couple weeks before the new moon.
Landing in your fourth house of home and roots, this full moon will relate to what makes you feel at home, Virgo. It may not necessarily be about your literal home—though it certainly could be—but it could also be about your "home" within yourself, Pennington says. "There's a sense for Virgo to get grounded, but also to celebrate and assess what has just come to fruition. Virgo here has a chance to think about pulling something into reality, assessing if it's good, and taking time and going slow, refining it," she adds.
For Libra, this full moon lands in your third house of communication and local community. The third house also deals with siblings, Pennington notes, so all of those themes may be present, whether you connect with a sibling or someone in your neighborhood. And it's a good time for it, too, with Pennington noting that you shouldn't be afraid to be a little selfish right now. Libra is very "we" oriented, so finding that healthy balance and middle ground—which is so important to Libra as well—will be important now.
Scorpio, this full moon lights up your second house of money and stability. It may come as a welcome relief, following eclipse season (with eclipses in your sign), and with the South Node transiting your sign. Pennington adds the feeling of relief may even seem abrupt, given how much has been going on for you. You may have experienced some turmoil recently, "and there's a sense now that one phase is complete," Pennington says, adding that right now, Scorpio should rest. "Go deep emotionally as you always do, and keep yourself nurtured and protected. It's a time for the privacy, which is natural to you anyway," she explains.
The full moon falls under your sign this month, Sag, and it happens to be the only Sagittarius full moon of 2022. This moon is going to be all about your identity and sense of self, falling in your first house. With the moon in your sign, and many other fire placements in the sky (i.e. Mars in Aries), "I think Sagittarius people can pull in a lot of that energy as well," Pennington says. She notes that now's the time to let yourself shine, and if applause is directed at you, to happily accept it. Lean into the optimism that's flowing, and don't hesitate to sit back and bask in this Sag moon glory.
For Capricorn, this full moon lights up your 12th house of endings and completion. It's a true place of culmination, as well as solitude, Pennington explains. You may feel inclined to be in a place of spiritual solace, or to be really private, and that's OK. The next full moon is actually in your sign, Cap, so it's fitting to take it easy right now, almost like you're a player on the bench who's up next, Pennington explains. "Get a good night's sleep, eat a hearty breakfast, and stay well rested," she suggests, adding that the energy is going to pick up for you very soon.
Up for some networking, Aquarius? This full moon lands in your 11th house of large groups, networks, and hopes and dreams. You could be feeling particularly social around this full moon, according to Pennington, who adds that you might also be really tuned into your aspirations, too. Just watch out for feelings fear or dread, as Saturn is retrograde in your sign until October, which can elicit feelings of tough love and/or discipline. However, with this fiery moon, Pennington says it can warm up icy Saturn, offering you feelings of hope.
Pisces, this full moon falls in your 10th house of career and public image. "With the sun being in Gemini, which is in an air sign, Sagittarius having that exploratory optimism, and Neptune in Pisces, there's a real sense of dreaminess here," Pennington explains, adding that delusions and deceptions are also possible now. Ultimately, she says, "It's a time to observe, to feel, and to bask in the sensitivity"—something Pisces folks have no trouble with. Neptune is at home in Pisces as well, she adds, so there's an extra sense of otherworldliness under this moon.
The full moon impacts us all differently depending on where it falls in our chart, and with this upcoming fiery, Sagittarius full moon, we all have something different to expect—and work on.