What TV Character Do You Secretly Feel Like You’re Friends With?

This morning, my sister Lucy and I were chatting on the phone… “What TV or movie character do you feel like you’re friends with?” she mused.… Read more The post What TV Character Do You Secretly Feel Like You’re Friends...

What TV Character Do You Secretly Feel Like You’re Friends With?

afterparty aniq Zoe

afterparty aniq Zoe

This morning, my sister Lucy and I were chatting on the phone…

“What TV or movie character do you feel like you’re friends with?” she mused. “Where it’s almost like, we just ARE friends.”

I burst out laughing — what a random question! — but to be fair, I had an immediate answer.

sharon Horgan bad sisters

“Definitely Sharon Horgan,” I told her. “In Bad Sisters, Catastrophe, This Way Up, real life — I love her vibe, always. We just get each other.”

after party aniq Zoe

My sister’s reply? Aniq from The Afterparty. “I f-ing love that guy. He’s so funny, he’s always like, Ohhhhh-kay. I want to hang out with him so badly. And I love his girlfriend Zoe. I would be a great third wheel for them to hang out with.”

We were laughing so much, and now, my loves, I turn the question to you: What TV character do you secretly feel like you’re friends with? You know you have an answer!



See? It just works.

P.S. Amazing celebrity impressions, and my friend’s embarrassing run-in with Ethan Hawke.

(Photo montage at end by Miss Moss.)