Wisdom light shines in Berlin and France
Due to the great kindness of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, his guidance and his blessings, Kadampa centers in Berlin and Lyon have had the opportunity to receive the magical blessing empowerment of Great Mother Prajnaparamita and commentaries to...

powerful moments of connection with Prajnaparamita in Lyon
56 people attended the Buddha Prajnaparamita empowerment at Lyon Kadampa Buddhist Center in France.
Thank you, first of all, to our wonderful Teacher, Marlise, for allowing us to experience these powerful moments of connection with Prajnaparamita.
Thank you also to everyone who worked so hard during the week to ensure everything was perfect for the day. Finally, thank you to all those who took charge of different things during the weekend, which made the event run smoothly.