Yoga For Anxiety: Yoga Poses to Ease Anxiety and its Symptoms
Doing yoga is the best natural path to overcome your deep-rooted anxiety and fears. Practicing yoga for anxiety and stress will help you make a balanced connection with your mind and body. Yoga usually involves focusing on the breath,...

By bloggingstudio on September 20, 2022 0
Doing yoga is the best natural path to overcome your deep-rooted anxiety and fears. Practicing yoga for anxiety and stress will help you make a balanced connection with your mind and body.
Yoga usually involves focusing on the breath, which you will find to be boosting your mental health. A peaceful and healthy mind will allow you to be the best version of yourself. Start with these simple poses of yoga for anxiety and depression to improve your mental and physical health.
Which yoga is best for anxiety?
Yoga poses that involve stretching your body and helping relax your muscles will get you instant relief from anxiety.
The best poses of yoga for anxiety include the cat pose, tree pose, and bound angle pose. These will maintain the breath balance of the body and soothe your nerve impulses. Many of the other poses mentioned above will help you overcome anxiety. Relax your body and concentrate on your breathing pattern for a quick recovery.
What are the main signs of anxiety?
Anxiety will turn up with different signs in different people. It might be because of excessive stress and tension or hormonal or mental issues. All these can be treated if they are offered the required help they need at the right time.
Whereas these are the most commonly found symptoms and signs in people with anxiety:
1. Excessive sweating
2. Trembling
3. Panic attacks and shocks
4. Restlessness and body aches
5. Shivering of legs and arms
What causes anxiety?
The main reason for what causes anxiety will vary from person to person. Some people have anxiety due to the trauma they had during their childhood or adolescence. While some are habit related, if someone is dependent on drugs, it might also give them anxiety when it wears off from the body.
While something like loud sounds can also provoke anxiety and panic attacks in people, who are emotionally abused.
How long can anxiety last?
Anxiety is not easily curable. It might last from months to years. While the attack will be at its peak for some time which can result in breathing issues for a person. Many people will have long-term signs of anxiety and panic attacks before getting medically diagnosed, and the treatment will usually last for months.
Even after the medication is stopped, they should have a peaceful environment. So it is really important to have a pleasant and calm environment around them to avoid further triggers.
Does anxiety increase with age?
Many older adults are diagnosed with high levels of anxiety. This is because they have been through loads of pressure and stress, which greatly triggers anxiety.
Anxiety might increase with age because as you grow, you will be open to many emotional and stressful paths in your life to become successful. This may compensate for an anxiety disorder. On the other hand, enough love and care will make you feel better instantly.
Let’s have a look at some yoga poses to ease anxiety
1. Tree Pose
Tree pose in yoga is a creative mixture of a position that resembles a tree; this allows the natural energy to pass through your chakras and clean them. It is simple and does not really require much effort to perform.
Stand straight on a flat surface, lift one of your legs, and place the heel of your foot to the calf of your other leg.Place your hands in a praying position, or you can even stretch them straight on top of your head.Concentrate on your breathing and repeat in sets with the other side.2. Triangle Pose
This pose allows you to stretch the torso part of your body, making them feel relaxed. It also reduces muscle cramps on the shoulders and the back.
Place your legs wide enough to be around an angle of 45 degrees.Stretch your hands straight over your head, bend to one side, and try touching your feet. So your torso will be curved near the hips.Hold for a few minutes and release. Repeat in sets on the other side too.3. Standing Forward Bend
This bend increases the flexibility of your backbone. Strengthens the back and hips.
Start with placing your hands on your hips and keep your legs within a foot distance from each other.Then start bending forward, while halfway, release the hands on your hips.Touch the feet or the ground near your feet using your fingertips.Repeat in sets for better results. These anxiety yoga exercises will make you feel good and brighten your mood.4. Balasana
This asana will keep the back muscles and muscles of the tights relaxed. Balasana poses in yoga is for anxiety relief. Relaxing muscles will hype up your mood.
Sit on your heels and relax your hand muscles.Then bend forward slowly till your face meets the ground.Your hands should be free on the side of your body.Hold for a minute and release. This also helps women with cramps to soothe the pain.5. Head to knee Forward Bend
This pose is also called janushirasana, which increases the body’s flexibility. This is because all the muscles from the toes to the hips involve hyper stretching.
Sit on the floor and stretch your legs.Fold one leg so that the base of the foot touches the inner thigh region of the other.Now by using your hands, get hold of the toe finger of the long stretched leg by bending forward.Hold and repeat with sets on the other side.6. Seated Forward Bend
This bend will focus on the dorsal side of the body and increase body balance and flexibility.
Sit on your buttocks and keep your legs close.Bend forward and meet your feet and toes with your hands.Place your head between your arms so the crown region will meet the kneecaps.Inhale and exhale while bending, hold for a few minutes, and release.7. Legs-Up-the-Wall pose
This pose will concentrate on the entire body. Easy to perform and burns stomach and hip fat very fastly.
Sit on your right side near a wall and roll to one side so your body will lay on the ground and your legs will stay on the wall.Adjust your position, so your tailbone will be close to the wall.Rest your palms and shoulders on the ground and breathe for 10 mins.Release the pose after 10 mins and relax.8. Reclining Bound Angle pose
This angle in yoga stimulates the heart and the abdominal organs like the ovaries and kidneys.
Lay flat on your back on the ground and spread your legs wide.Close your feet together, free up your hands, and lay them next to your body.Let your knees be close to your tailbone.Inhale and exhale with reps.9. Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)
Bound angle pose increases the stretching of your inner thighs and hips. Increases the mobility of the hip disk.
Sit on a flat surface and bring the lower side of the feet together.So the bottom side of the feet will be connected.Hold the tips with both of your hands and maintain a straight spine.Hold and release in reps.10. Cat Pose (Marjaryasana)
Cat pose increases your body’s mobility and reduces the low hip pain usually caused in women.
Bend the tabletop position and let the palms rest under your shoulder bones.Bend your neck downwards and inhale, then rise your head to exhale.The synchronized breathing pattern will help you to reduce stress and anxiety.Repeat in sets with a small break in between.11. Bridge Pose (Setubandha)
Bridge pose is believed to open up the chest cavity. By practicing this free spacing pose, you keep your anxiety in check.
Lay flat on the mat and lift your hips and pelvic region to get a semi-arc position.Hold your legs with your hands and stay in the position for a minute.Keep your feet parallel, so it will be easy for you to balance.Repeat in sets.12. Camel Pose (Ustrasana)
The camel pose involves kneeling backward, which involves the ultimate stretching of the abdominal cavity.
Stay on your knees and place your hands on your hips; now, gently bend back so your face and chest will face the ceiling.Then do an arc curve and place your hands on your feet’s backs.Hold for a couple of minutes and repeat.You should be feeling pressure near your navel area.13. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
This is an energetically locked pose that can be achieved using grip bands to train thighs.
Lay flat on your stomach and bend your legs backward till the knees.You should easily get hold of your heels with your hands; if not, you can use a resistance band to pull your heels.Hold for a couple of seconds and release.Conclusion
Anxiety is the silent virus in our society that takes away the peace and stability of many people’s lives. Unfortunately, many people will not open up about how it feels because they are scared to be judged.
In reality, you are not alone! Speaking out will relieve you, or invest time in practicing something like yoga to feel relaxed. These poses of yoga for anxiety disorder will help calm down your nerve impulses and make you feel better.