Your Halloween Horoscope Is Here—What Astrologers Want You To Know
Will this bring a moment of sanity? Profound epiphanies? Probably both.

Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
Image by Lucas Ottone / mbg creative October 29, 2022 Level up those Halloween goals with this week's horoscope from The AstroTwins.
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This Monday, October 31, the Sun sparkles in deliciously haunting Scorpio, as it always does this time of year.
Bonus: In 2022, the moon is riding on a buddy pass through Aquarius, the sign of innovation and shameless quirkiness. And very early Tuesday morning (a couple hours after midnight on the west coast of the US), la luna hits its quarter moon phase, which happens to be in the middle of the season’s two eclipses—the October 25 Scorpio solar eclipse and the November 8 Taurus lunar eclipse. Will this bring a moment of sanity? Profound epiphanies? Probably both.
It also means there is zero justification for showing up with a basic pair of vampire teeth or paper mask you threw down at the checkout counter when buying your La Croix and breath mints. (Unless, of course, you can back it up with enough humor to make the simplicity your schtick...stick.) Lights, sequins, and sound effects!
This extra flourish doesn't have to take more than an hour. See what wonders you can work with some battery-operated LEDs tucked under strands of cotton or sheer fabric. Halloween is a notoriously frisky day…there's something about those costumes. And it's almost too easy to push it past the edge under an Aquarius moon. But before you go gaga for a Top Gun Maverick or a Euphoria clone, find out if they came to the party with a plus-one (or have one waiting at home). Attached? Don't go bobbing for apples in someone else's pond. Sorry, "But it's Halloweennnnn!" is never a legit justification!
Another bit of advice for early this week: Protect your tech! As the moon moves through digitally savvy Aquarius on Monday and Tuesday, it sends a friendly reminder that not every app you download or feed you follow is, well, friendly. Nowadays, it’s almost too easy to pass around disinformation via meme or buy into 30-second product reviews from an “expert” whose only real credentials are TikTok editing skills. Just because you upload, post, and save to the cloud, how secure is your data, really? And are your favorite apps tracking your every move (and geotagging them, to boot) because you kept the location accuracy “on” in the settings? It might make your head explode to think about this, and if so, you should probably hire someone with IT cred to ensure that you’re not leaving yourself vulnerable.
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Assume nothing on Saturday...but expect anything!
Controlling Venus in Scorpio is at loggerheads with bombastic Uranus in Taurus. Strong emotions might erupt like molten lava under this explosive and unpredictable face-off. Try not to interact with someone whose behavior keeps triggering you. And if your love interest signals a need for space, give it to them instead of frantically texting or pushing for a talk. Feeling the urge for more freedom yourself? You don’t have to throw the baby out with the bathwater. It’s totally possible to create more breathing room in a relationship without calling the whole thing off. Just because you and your partner were on the same page in the past doesn’t mean you’re aligned for eternity. Avoid making any unilateral decisions. Check in and get consensus (and consent) before taking action.
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