10 Non-Alcoholic Beers That Are Actually Worth Drinking
Beer is one of mankind’s greatest achievements. We’ve been brewing it according to various recipes for thousands of years—the ancient Egyptians were brewing up a storm, and we can actually replicate their recipes in the modern day. While beer...

Photo: Gary L Hider (Shutterstock)
Beer is one of mankind’s greatest achievements. We’ve been brewing it according to various recipes for thousands of years—the ancient Egyptians were brewing up a storm, and we can actually replicate their recipes in the modern day. While beer is often associated with alcohol and inebriation, people who love beer actually love it as a beverage, not just an alcohol-delivery mechanism.
Of course, beer is an alcohol-delivery mechanism, which can sometimes be problematic if you’re a designated driver, if you have a big meeting in the morning, or if you’re just not drinking for whatever reason. That’s why we have non-alcoholic (NA) beer. (Pro tip: There is actually alcohol in NA beer—legally a beer can have up to 0.5% ABV and still be considered NA.)
But anyone who has ever tried an O’Douls knows it is a terrible, no-good, awful beer, and it
s reputation has dominated our conceptions of NA beer for decades. B
ut the world of NA beer has advanced a lot in recent years. Small craft breweries and the
huge players alike
have discovered there’s a market for NA beer, and they’ve been upping their game by
techniques like vacuum distilling, which lowers the boiling point of alcohol so you don’t need as much damaging heat, and
reverse osmosis,”
which leeches the alcohol from the beer using an extremely fine filter.
So which non-alcoholic beers are worth drinking today? H
ere are the 10
best you can enjoy right now.
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Athletic Brewing Company Upside Dawn Golden
Athletic Brewing Company Upside Dawn Golden
Photo: Jeff Somers
The Athletic Brewing Company has targeted athletes and outdoorsy types in their marketing, pushing the fact that you can celebrate your triumphs without compromising your training or performance. I had the opportunity to try a couple of Athletic’s offerings and can confirm: This stuff is delicious, satisfying, and leaves you with a clear head. The two beers that get the most attention are the Run Wild IPA and the Upside Dawn Golden, but I give the edge to the Upside Dawn. Other NA IPAs are just a hair better done, but the Golden has a nice citrusy zing to it that just makes you want to drink two—and you can, because there’s almost no alcohol!
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Fever-Tree Premium Ginger Beer
Fever-Tree Premium Ginger Beer
Photo: ZikG (Shutterstock)
Think ginger beer doesn’t count? Don’t be that person. As refreshing as ginger ale, ginger beer is a delightful change of pace for anyone. Whether you love your ginger beer on its own or as the foundation for cocktails, Fever-Tree’s offering is a people-pleasing NA substitute. Like its full-throated cousins, it’s delightful as a solo drink, sporting a sharp ginger flavor. But it’s also a great addition to any mocktail that calls for it.
Heineken 0.0
Photo: i am Em (Shutterstock)
Heineken is a classic lager. There was a time when drinking an imported Heineken while everyone else was sucking down Budweiser and Coors was the height of sophistication. If you’re a fan of this Dutch beer, here’s some good news: In 2019, the company launched its 0.0 brand of NA beer, and you would be hard-pressed to tell it apart from the classic version. It tastes just as bright and crisp, and drinks just as mellow. If you’re looking to have just about the same experience drinking NA beer as you would with regular beer, this is a perfect choice.
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Brooklyn Special Effects IPA
Brooklyn Special Effects IPA
Photo: photocritical (Shutterstock)
If you’re worried that NA IPAs are wimpy, Brooklyn Brewery is here to set the record straight. If you’ve ever been to their tasting room you know that Brooklyn Brewery takes its beer very seriously, and would never release a non-alcoholic beer that wasn’t terrific. First of all, the Special Effects IPA looks great—it’s got a delicious dark color and a solid head of foam. As for flavor, you’d never know this lacked alcohol. It kicks off with a semi-sweet, caramel taste profile that then hits you with that classic IPA bitterness. There’s a reason you’ll find this beer on just about every list of best NA beers.
Bravus Oatmeal Dark
Photo: Viktorya Telminova (Shutterstock)
Fans of stout know what they want: Dark, dense flavor. The word rich doesn’t quite capture the flavor profile they’re looking for—they want their beer to be a bit of work, not something you can just suck down. Bravus Brewing has captured that beyond-richness in a non-alcoholic version of a classic oatmeal stout. It will give you hints of chocolate, some smoky bite, and a spicy finish. If you know anyone who loves to watch a Guinness settle, suggest this next time they’re looking for a non-alcoholic option.
Clausthaler Dry-Hopped
Photo: FotograFFF (Shutterstock)
Germany’s Clausthaler brewery specializes in NA beer. In fact, they don’t make anything else. They also have a unique process that produces very little alcohol in the initial brewing phase, meaning there’s much less that needs to be removed, which stresses the flavor-producing ingredients much less. They have an extensive line of very good NA beers, but the Dry-Hopped has a bright, refreshing citrus edge to it. That makes it incredibly tasty and satisfying.
BrewDog Hazy AF
Photo: freemind-production (Shutterstock)
If your flavor palette runs more towards New England IPAs and their juicy, fruity sensibilities, then BrewDog’s NA Hazy AF is the perfect choice. With a nice orange-yellow pour and minimal head, it’s a refreshing brew that delivers some nicely balanced notes of tropical fruits, making it an ideal summer beer, especially if you don’t want it to affect your softball skills.
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Sober Carpenter Irish Red
Sober Carpenter Irish Red
Image: Sober Carpenter
If you’re into beer, you need at least one Irish ale in the mix. Sober Carpenter offers a red that satisfies both visually (with a deep red color) and with a gorgeous, toasted flavor that offers hints of caramel and coffee—just like a regular Irish red. What’s great about Sober Carpenter Irish Red is that the flavor profile isn’t overwhelming, so you can definitely enjoy a few rounds of these without starting to feel like drinking them is a chore.
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Rightside Brewing Citrus Wheat
Rightside Brewing Citrus Wheat
Image: Rightside Brewing
Wheat beers aren’t everybody’s bag, but if you know, you know. Light and fruity, Rightside Citrus Wheat incorporates some great notes of malt and grain that serve to ground those lighter tastes and keep them from dominating too much. This will stack up with any Belgian-style witbier you’ve had in the past, and is the perfect beach beer. Nothing will be quite as thrilling as opening one of these after a few hours in the hot sun.
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Lagunitas Hi-Fi Hops Unplugged
Lagunitas Hi-Fi Hops Unplugged
Photo: Spender1 (Shutterstock)
If you’re into CBD infusions, check out Lagunitas’ Hi-Fi Hops Unplugged. It’s not a particularly heavy dose, with just 18 milligrams of CBD and two milligrams of THC, so you’re not going experience anything unexpected—just the calming, soothing effects of those substances in lieu of alcohol. While the “beerness” of this is debatable, it’s a terrific option for folks who want to hang out with everyone but would prefer CBD to booze.