13 Ways to Get Weird With Pickles

Pickles are polarizing. Even people who like vinegar and cucumbers sometimes struggle to eat them. I’m not one of those people. I love pickles and pickled things, but the cucumber pickle will forever be my favorite. Whether they’re subtly...

13 Ways to Get Weird With Pickles

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Photo: Claire Lower

Pickles are polarizing. Even people who like vinegar and cucumbers sometimes struggle to eat them. I’m not one of those people. I love pickles and pickled things, but the cucumber pickle will forever be my favorite. Whether they’re subtly tangy, super sour, sweet, or somewhere in between, I will find a way to get them into my mouth and I will (occasionally) find a way to make it weird. Here are 13 kind of weird ways to enjoy pickles, in no particular order.

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Photo: goffkein.pro (Shutterstock)

This fun and fruity pickling method has roots in fine dining, and comes to us via Nils Gēlvele, head chef of FERMA in Latvia. It’s simple—all you need is fruit vinegar and juice—but those two little ingredients pack a bright, sunny punch sure to snap you out of the winter doldrums.

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Photo: Chamille White (Shutterstock)

It’s shocking it took me so long to get this idea on paper. Adding monosodium glutamate to your pickles gives them a savory—not salty—character, giving them a rounder, meatier flavor that fills your whole palate all the way to the back.

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Photo: Claire Lower

Too often, pickles are viewed as a garnish, an add-on, an aside, but they can be the meat of a sandwich, so to speak. Pair a thick layer of pickles, perhaps several types, with the sharpest cheddar you can find.

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These pickles are quick. All you need is seasoned rice vinegar, your vegetable or fruit of choice, and 10 measly minutes and bam: You’ve got flavorful pickles ready for action. They’re good on everything, but they absolutely slap in cold noodle bowls.

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Photo: Claire Lower

What began as a silly “what if?” turned into a full-fledged, surprisingly balanced salad with a sour cream-based dressing that clings to the pickles and tempers all that acid. Use three types of pickles and lots of fresh herbs for best results.

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Photo: Claire Lower

Even I was unprepared for how good grilled pickles are. The sugars in the brining liquid caramelize and char over the coals, and the results taste pretty fantastic. The tartness of the pickle is slightly tamed, while the savoriness is heightened. It’s fun.

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Photo: Claire Lower

If I had to come up with a pithier name for these pickle and cheese crisps, I would call them “diner bites,” because they’re reminiscent of the flavors you get in a good diner cheeseburger (without the burger). It’s a celebration of the sour, savory, and super salty. They’re fantastic as a snack, but would be incredible on a burger or sandwich (I think tuna salad would be especially tasty).

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Photo: Claire Lower

Have you ever met a pickle with an ABV of 22%? No? Well now is your chance. This aquavit-based brine brings the booze, but it also brings a taste of luxury, especially if you use it to bring beets, then use that brine to make a stunning pink martini.

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Photo: Claire Lower

Bigger does not always equal better, but an argument could be made for pickles. These giant zucchini pickles are delicious, but the main attraction is how you can cover an entire piece of bread with a single pickle slice.

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Photo: Claire Lower

Swapping out plain vinegar for pickle brine can give your coleslaw an edge, but blending pickles into the dressing adds vinegary tang along with a bit of cucumbery freshness, garlicky goodness, and the flavors of whatever else the pickle happened to be swimming in.

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Photo: Claire Lower

Fancy beers come with a lot of rules. You have to put them in the right glass and serve them at the right temperature and “taste,” rather than chug, them. Cheap beer isn’t like that. Cheap beer is freeing. Cheap beer tastes pretty good with a pickle in it. The pickle add just a touch of sourness and salt, perfect on a hot day or at any time your mouth is a little bored. Give it a try. Live a little.

Image for article titled 13 Ways to Get Weird With Pickles

Photo: Claire Lower

There is no rule against adding seasoning mixes to store-bought pickles, because it is a good idea that doesn’t hurt anyone. My two favorites are Old Bay pickles (perfect for a Bloody Mary) and ranch pickles (perfect for eating with a club sandwich), both of which are easy to make. Just add your flavor powder, shake, and let it sit so the flavors can meld.

Image for article titled 13 Ways to Get Weird With Pickles

Photo: Claire Lower

I’m a weird little lady who loves her weird little food combinations, and this chaotically good pickle snack is one of my favorites. There are a few iterations of it around the world, including Russian and Finnish versions, but they all deliver a surprisingly balanced bite that hits all of my favorite flavor notes. Super sour cornichons are tempered by sweet honey and rich crème fraîche—sweet, salty, sour, and fatty play across your palate, with no one taste or texture lingering for too long.