6 Free Email Newsletters We Love
There’s so much content out there and so little time. Here are the most interesting, helpful resources we’ve found recently delivered directly to your inbox. And they are all free! 1. 1440 If you are looking for unbiased, summarized news...

There’s so much content out there and so little time. Here are the most interesting, helpful resources we’ve found recently delivered directly to your inbox. And they are all free!
1. 1440
If you are looking for unbiased, summarized news headlines, 1440 is a free daily newsletter we’ve been reading. They do a great job of curating important and interesting news headlines—presented without political bias. It’s a breath of fresh air!
2. Boonly
Boonly is a weekly newsletter for anyone who is tired of hustle culture, pressure and burnout. Try it out if you use weekends to fully rest and recharge and want to consume inspiring, interesting, and educational content with your morning coffee or evening tea.
3. Curiosity Chronicle
We receive The Curiosity Chronicle newsletter twice each week. It contains thoughtful ideas and actionable insights to live a more intentional life. We really enjoy the unique and well-researched articles.
4. System Sunday
If you like productivity, you’ll love System Sunday. Join thousands of high performers getting 1 actionable system—every Sunday. Ben Meer provides detailed, actionable plans to help you incorporate healthy habits in your life.
5. Health Squeeze
For a quick, enjoyable read, Health Squeeze is a weekly newsletter that helps you stay on top of the latest insights from the world of health, wellness and medicine.
6. Prequel
If you have children, Prequel is a newsletter for parents who want their kids to succeed. Get weekly insights on how your children can get ahead in school and life.
Whether you want to subscribe to just one or two (or all six), we’ve found each of these free email newsletters to be helpful in their own way. So we thought we’d take a moment to share them with you—the wonderful No Sidebar community.