7 Yoga Poses to Fight Diabetes
The malfunctioning of sugar metabolism is known as Diabetes Mellitus. It has become very common and people from all corners of the world are fighting against it. What is worse is that upcoming generation is also at a great...

The malfunctioning of sugar metabolism is known as Diabetes Mellitus. It has become very common and people from all corners of the world are fighting against it. What is worse is that upcoming generation is also at a great risk of developing diabetes. The cause is usually poor eating habits including high consumption of sugar-rich diet. A person with weak digestion who eats too much sugar is even more vulnerable to diabetes.
What exercises should diabetics avoid?
Diabetic patients should avoid tiring activity, heavy weight lifting or pulling, stretching, and contractions. Instead, they should do activities like walking, light weight lifting, stretching, skipping, or swimming. In addition, any activity which tires the body should be avoided as it can affect the blood sugar level.
Does stress cause diabetes?
Stress doesn’t cause diabetes; however, it affects the blood sugar level. Dealing with diabetes with daily chores might cause stress sometimes. Physical and mental stress releases adrenaline and cortisol, affecting blood sugar levels.
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes, also called diabetes mellitus, is a dangerous disease that causes blood sugar levels to rise above normal. Diabetes is a chronic condition that occurs when the body produces high insulin or blood sugar. Insulin is a pancreatic hormone that works as a key to getting glucose from the food we eat. It moves from the blood circulation into the body’s cells to create power. Long-term increased glucose levels are connected to physical injury and the failure of many organs and tissues.
Types of Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes occurs when the blood glucose (sugar) level is abnormally high because the body is unable to produce insulin
Type 2 diabetes.
With type 2 diabetes, the insulin produced by the pancreas is either ineffective or insufficient. This indicates that blood glucose (sugar) levels continue to rise.
Gestational diabetes
Diabetes that occurs before childbirth or during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes. It affects women who never had diabetes before. It means that you have high blood sugar and should take additional care of yourself and your pregnancy. This includes eating healthily and staying active.
Prediabetes is defined as having blood sugar levels that are higher than normal. It is lesser type 2 diabetes but higher than type 1. Adults and children with prediabetes are at significant risk of developing type 2 diabetes if they do not make needed lifestyle changes.
Pancreas secrets digestive hormone directly into the bloodstream for food breakdown. The digestion of sugar is carried out by the hormone ‘insulin’ (from pancreas). When pancreas has been stressed and exhausted for a long period of time. It becomes incapable of producing adequate quantity of insulin. A carbohydrate-rich diet leads to such condition of this gland. Sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, sluggish digestion are some other factors that threaten the functioning of the pancreas.
Diabetes symptoms
When blood sugar is high, the symptoms of diabetes begin to appear. Excessive urination is the most common symptom. Dry mouth, itchy skin, blurred vision, fatigue etc. are other common symptoms. The main types of diabetes are ‘type 1’ and ‘type 2’. In type 1 diabetes the immune system attacks the pancreas for an unknown reason. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas becomes unfunctional due to overworking. The production of insulin in both cases, either cease forever or becomes inadequate.
Medical science states that diabetes is incurable. But people have noticed a significant improvement in their health through yogic management. Maintaining a healthy diet and making a few lifestyle changes is very important for a diabetic. A severe form of diabetes invites many other complications such as hypertension, kidney failure, heart disease and arteriosclerosis. Maintaining blood sugar prevents such complications. There is a great possibility of controlling diabetes with the help of yoga.
Important Note: Consult with your doctor before you practice any of these yoga poses. Learn yoga only under the guidance of a competent yoga instructor.
Yoga poses to fight diabetes
Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half spinal twist):
When you practice Ardha Matsyendrasana, one side of your back and abdomen contracts whereas the other side stretch. Some organs such as liver, kidneys, adrenal gland and pancreas get a good massage due to the twist. The functioning and secretion of the pancreas are regulated which is very beneficial for diabetics.
Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend):
All the organs of the pelvic and abdominal region receive a good massage by bending forward in Paschimottanasana. Spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, liver and pancreas benefits by practicing Paschimottanasana. It also sheds extra weight which is a common issue among the patients with diabetes.
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose):
Bhujangasana is another yoga pose that stretches the abdominal organs. It is highly beneficial for kidneys and liver. A diabetic person is at the risk of developing kidney related issues. Thus cobra pose will ensure that the kidney remains healthy. It also reduces excessive fat from the belly.
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose):
Dhanurasana gives a deep stretch to the upper body. The secretions of the pancreas and adrenal glands, stimulate by practicing Dhanurasana. All the digestive and reproductive organs are toned by the practice of Bow Pose. It leads to the well functioning of reproductory, digestive and excretory organs.
Sarvangasana (Shoulder Pose):
Practicing Sarvangasana has incredible benefits on the body. It improves the functioning of all the organs in the body including the pancreas. You can easily keep all the complications at bay that occurs due to diabetes and control diabetes itself.
Halasana (Plow Pose):
Right from Sarvangasana, you can easily move in Halasana. It rejuvenates pancreas making it secret insulin as per body’s requirement. Sluggish digestion, that also plays part in developing diabetes is also resolved by practicing Halasana.
Shashankasana (Child’s Pose):
Among all the above poses, Shashankasana is the only relaxation pose. Forward bending in Shashankasana presses the digestive organs. Practice it for long durations to relax your body and mind. Relaxation is very important part of yoga. Healing process becomes more efficient with the help of relaxation.
If you practice all the above yoga poses with determination along with a light diet. You may notice a lot of improvement in your condition. Diabetes is completely curable if diagnosed at an early stage. One needs to be careful about the diet and practice yoga to ensure it never comes back again.
Indian celebrities diagnosed with DiabetesBenefits of Yoga and Diseases it can CureGive your body the love, care and respect it deserves.
Thanks for reading.