A new era for DCM?
As international debt capital markets continue to grapple with myriad risks, experts assess the outlook for Asian dealmakers. They make a case for the issuers, sectors and markets that stand to benefit from emerging opportunities over months ahead.

As international debt capital markets continue to grapple with myriad risks, experts assess the outlook for Asian dealmakers. They make a case for the issuers, sectors and markets that stand to benefit from emerging opportunities over months ahead.

August 01, 2023
The repercussions of recent black swan events are contributing to a new dealmaking landscape one that continues to ebb and flow as geopolitical tensions rise and governments work to ensure that regional emissions fall.
As regulators respond to global inflation with interest rate hikes, market participants are adapting to the post-pandemic outlook, where the structural integrity of systemic lenders has been called into question bank runs have been navigated and a debt ceiling default, narrowly avoided.
“Volatility is the only constant,” Elaine He, head of Debt Capital Markets DCM Syndicate for Asia Pacific at Morgan Stanley, told FinanceAsia.
“Bond issuance has been...
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