All smiles at KMC New York
For the last few weeks, residents and volunteers at KMC New York have been working with great joy and enthusiasm to prepare the site for the 2022 International Fall Festival, which starts tomorrow.
For the last few weeks, residents and volunteers at KMC New York have been working with great joy and enthusiasm to prepare the site for the 2022 International Fall Festival, which starts tomorrow.
And there will be many more smiles on Friday when hundreds of people arrive to enjoy the Festival with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, the Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU. Gen-la will grant the empowerment of Buddha Green Tara and give teachings on the 21 homages.
The Festival can be attended either in-person or online, and there is still time to book for both.
Visit the Festival website to find out more and book online.