An Editor's Secret Weapon For Calming Down At The End Of A Long Day
Nighttime routines are essential, and this product gives mine a fragrant boost.

I spend an abnormal amount of time thinking about sleep. Beyond being one of my writing beats here at mbg, it's also just a personal passion of mine. (Getting under the covers after a long day is basically my love language.) I'm someone who needs a solid eight to nine hours a night to feel my best, and I'm always asking around for new ways to improve my existing sleep habits.
If there's one thing that the experts I have interviewed agree on, it's that if you want to get good sleep, a solid wind-down routine is essential.
I love the way that psychologist Shelby Harris, PsyD, DBSM, once explained it: The human body does not come with an on-off switch. We can't pack our days with work, commitments, and to-do's and then magically expect our brains to turn off the second we slip into bed. Most of us need a good 30 minutes to an hour each night to clear the mind and ease into a relaxed state before sleep.
After hearing time and time again that nighttime rituals are not just pleasant but actually essential, I've become more diligent about my own. To ensure that I actually leave enough time to unwind before bed, I've started setting a nighttime alarm to keep me on track and eating dinner on the early side when possible.
Then, in the hour leading up to bed, I'll enjoy some screen-free activities to give my mind a break: I'll wash up, write in my journal, and read a book. Then, when the time comes time to cap off my soothing nightly routine, I'll reach for one thing: mbg's dream mist.
How dream mist elevates my nightly ritual.
The latest addition to mbg's personal care line, dream mist is a pillow and linen spray scented with lavender, sandalwood, roman chamomile, and linden blossom essential oils. In short, I love this blend. While a lot of the lavender pillow sprays I've tried in the past have been a bit one-note, the combination of scents in dream mist gives it a unique depth. It's a sophisticated mix of herbaceous and floral, with just a tint of sweetness. I'll usually spray two to three spritzes above my bed before putting on my eye mask and tucking in for the night.
The fine mist lingers on my linens for a few moments but dries quickly so I haven't had to worry about staining my sheets. It's also made with the utmost care for ingredients and sourcing. I know this because it's the case with all of mbg's products but also because my nose can tell! Most pillow sprays I've tried in the past have contained ingredients that make me sneeze—definitely not what you want when you're trying to snooze. But mbg's blend of sustainably sourced oils paired with natural emulsifiers and preservatives that are verified safe by the EWG does no such thing.
It doesn't hurt that the spray's amber bottle looks very chic on my nightstand next to my go-to sleep supplement, sleep support+. I like to think of it as the fragrant cherry on top of my nighttime routine—after the electronics are put away and the pages turned, it's another tool that tells my mind that it's free to rest.
As mbg's beauty director Alexandra Engler recently put it, how you close out your day has just as much of an impact on your well-being as how you start it. I couldn't agree more. And as someone who knows the value of a solid nighttime routine, I'm happy to have found a product that can wrap mine up in a neat and oh-so-fragrant bow.