Ancient Path for Modern Times: Applied Buddhist Ethics & Generating Peace
On June 1st we began our bi-annual two week retreat to deepen our practice of applied ethics. Join us live online as we generate the energy of peace and compassion for everyone suffering in armed conflicts.

Dear Friends,
On June 1st we began our two week bi-annual retreat here in Plum Village France, welcoming over four hundred OI members and practitioners from all over the world to join the monastic and long term community in deepening our practice of applied Buddhist Ethics, an Ancient Path for Modern Times.

Generating Peace: A Prayer for All Who Suffer from Armed Conflict
As part of this retreat we are broadcasting four live meditation sessions to collectively generate the energy of peace and compassion for everyone in conflict zones.
We are sending energy in particular to Palestine, Israel & Ukraine as well as to those who suffer in over one hundred other armed conflicts around the world.

The first session took place on Monday 3rd June, with a guided meditation and practice of touching the earth.
Generating Peace | A Prayer for All Who Suffer from Armed Conflict:Monday June 3, 2024.
We, the multifold community, have gather in this moment to send our love and spiritual energy to support all Palestinians, Israelis, and other peoples caught up in the tragedy of the latest conflict in the Middle East.
Our prayer is also for Ukrainians, Russians, the people of Sudan and all who presently suffer from war.
There are more than 100 armed conflicts going on around the world, some of which have lasted more than 50 years.
May all people be safe and secure. May they find peace in themselves even as they live daily with danger and hardship.
May our world leaders be awakened to the energy of compassion so that, together, they bring an end to the killing and immense suffering caused by war.
May we actively cultivate openness, non-discrimination, and non-attachment to views so that we may transform violence, fanaticism, and dogmatism that are at the very roots of war and conflict.
In this moment we invoke your name, Avalokiteshvara.
We aspire to learn your way of listening in order to help relieve the suffering in the world. We will listen with all our attention and open heartedness.
We will listen without prejudice. We will listen without judging or reacting. We will listen in order to understand.
We will listen so attentively that we can hear what the other person is saying and also what is being left unsaid.
Just by listening deeply we already alleviate so much pain and suffering in the world.
Join Us For The Upcoming Live Sessions

Dates & Time
Thursday, June 6Sunday, June 9Thursday, June 13Time: 8:45pm CET / 11:45am PDT / 2:45pm EDTLink
We look forward to generating the collective energy of peace together.