Australian Festival 2025

At KMC Australia, we recently held our annual festival, bringing people together from across the continent. We were fortunate to receive the empowerment of Avalokiteshvara from Gen-la Dekyong

Australian Festival 2025

At KMC Australia, we recently held the annual National Festival, bringing people together from across the continent. We were fortunate to receive the empowerment of Avalokiteshvara from Gen-la Dekyong, who shared profound insights into the Avalokiteshvara sadhana, as transmitted directly by Venerable Geshe-la.

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We learned so many wonderful things. Just to mention a few: we discovered how to deeply relax with Dharma, how to train in contemplation so the instructions touch our heart, helping us put Dharma into practice, and we gained insights into Buddha's ultimate intention. The Festival was filled with inspiring teachings, guided meditations, sunshine, good company, and delicious food!

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NKT-Australian Festival 25 group