Austrian Dharma Celebration 2023

This year's Austrian Dharma celebration held April 14 - 16th 2023 with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang, National Spiritual Director for Italy, Austria and Switzerland, was an unforgettable weekend with participants from all over Austria, Slovenia and Switzerland.

Austrian Dharma Celebration 2023

Austrian Dharma Celebration

This year's Austrian Dharma celebration held April 14 - 16th 2023 at KMC Austria with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang, National Spiritual Director for Italy, Austria and Switzerland, was an unforgettable weekend with participants from all over Austria, Slovenia and Switzerland.

On Buddha’s enlightenment day Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang granted the blessing empowerment of Thousand-armed Buddha Avalokiteshvara.

"In Gen-la’s commentaries to the practice she shared insightful teachings on how we can become a pure being by purifying our mind, thereby creating a pure world and in this way bring real benefit to others.

"For all of us, this was such a joyful weekend, connecting to the inspiring power of Guru Avalokiteshvara, the practical teachings of Modern Kadampa Buddhism and to a growing community of pure Kadampa practitioners. From our hearts we thank Venerable Geshe-la for his kindness, creating pure lands, pure teachers and joyful Kadampa communities everywhere. We’re looking forward to our next Austrian Dharma celebration 2024!"

What the participants said:

"This weekend was so wonderful! Experiencing the Avalokiteshvara empowerment together with everyone has enriched my life immeasurably and brightened my view. (Karin)

"It was beautiful to experience so many people coming together in a deeply harmonious energy to listen together to the inspiring and life-changing teachings of Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang. One could practically feel how every single participant was touched and inspired. (Angelika)

"It was a wonderful Austrian Dharma celebration! Together with an inspiring Sangha community I received so many practical and everyday teachings to stay strong in everyday life, how to build a pure refuge practice and how to help others. (Iris)

"Thank you to all who contributed to make such an inspiring weekend with Gen-la Kunsang in the middle of Vienna. It was and is an incredible source of wisdom and joy. (Gerhard)

For more information about the Kadampa Meditation Centre Austria please visit