Away retreats focused on gaining insight into the mind
In September, some Kadampa centers organized away retreats to allow their students to focus on gaining insight into the mind. Here KMC Quebec, KMC Victoria and Je Tsongkhapa KBC in Pachuca (Mexico) enjoyed away retreats.

On the last weekend of September, we were fortunate to hold our Concentration Retreat - Preparing for Tranquil Abiding.
During this weekend, twenty-six participants received teachings and guided meditations on the emptiness of the body, the self and all phenomena, transmitted by Gen Kelsang Gawa, the Resident Teacher at Je Tsongkhapa KBC.
We learned that the way our senses perceive phenomena is deceptive and completely contrary to the way they exist. Objects seem to exist from their own side, without depending upon our minds.
To understand this, we must strive to have an understanding of emptiness: the way phenomena actually exist, which is contrary to the way we perceive them. Therefore, to fulfil our deepest desire to achieve enlightenment for the sole purpose of directly benefiting every sentient being every day, we must attain a direct realization of emptiness.
Until we attain enlightenment, we must rely on our Spiritual Guide and, through him, continue to receive the special blessings of Buddha, who is now correctly and sincerely guiding us on the paths of renunciation, bodhichitta and the correct view of emptiness.
We rejoiced in our accumulated merit because it was a very special weekend when we celebrated Buddha's Return from Heaven Day on 22 September. We dedicated our merit for peace in the world and for all sentient beings to attain the pure and everlasting happiness of enlightenment.
We are especially grateful for the infinite kindness of our precious Spiritual Guide, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.