Blessing Empowerments

Blessing empowerments of Buddha Vajrasattva, Shakyamuni, and Amitayus took place in April. Those who attended in Madrid, Huddersfield, and New Caledonia had a great opportunity to connect with these Deities to strengthen their practice and their good qualities.

Blessing Empowerments

100-letter mantra at KMC Madrid

On the weekend of April 20 - 21, we gathered at the KMC Madrid urban Center to receive the powerful blessings of Buddha Vajrasattva, the Buddha of purification. The empowerment was granted by our Resident Teacher, Gen Tsongmo, with her compassionate, practical, and humble approach. Exactly 100 people attended - just like the 100-letter mantra! They came from different parts of Madrid and other places, like Bilbao and Toledo! For some, it was their first empowerment.

We dedicate this inspiring experience to the flourishing of Dharma in our hearts, in Madrid, all of Spain, and the world. We are deeply grateful to our Founder, Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, for making this path of compassion and wisdom possible.

Thank you all for being part of this wonderful reunion!