Bonus Bulletin – 7 December

Read about some other recent activities organized by Kadampa centers around the world. In this post IKRC Grand Canyon (US), KMC Colombia in Bogota, KMC Sheffield (UK), and Vajrapani KBC (South Africa).

Bonus Bulletin – 7 December

Je Tsongkhapa at KMC Sheffield

Last weekend, 33 people attended the Je Tsongkhapa empowerment at KMC Sheffield, given by Resident Teacher Gen Kelsang Lekchog. The teachings highlighted how our precious Spiritual Guide, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche emanates as Guru Tsongkhapa - the embodiment of the wisdom, compassion, and power of all Buddhas - to bless and transform our minds.

NKT-IKBU - Kadam Dharma in the UK - KMC Sheffield - Empowerment session

On Saturday participants were introduced to the Heart Jewel prayers, the core practice of Kadampa Buddhism. On Sunday they enjoyed guided meditations during a day retreat. Over 20 people, both in person and online joined, connecting with the blessings of Buddha and experiencing the joy of the Pure Land.

Our dedicated volunteers and community members worked hard to prepare the center for the event, we shared meals together, adding to the warmth and harmony of the weekend.

A heartfelt thank you to Venerable Geshe-la for bringing Kadam Dharma to the modern world, and for manifesting centers, teachers, and practices to bring peace to our minds.