Britney Spears Says She’s ‘Not Done’ With Her Family In Scathing Post: ‘I Will Speak Up’

Britney Spears is taking to Instagram to 'blow the f--king house down,' condemning her family's behavior and calling it 'of the devil.'

Britney Spears Says She’s ‘Not Done’ With Her Family In Scathing Post: ‘I Will Speak Up’

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April 2, 2022 12:12AM EDT

Britney Spears is taking to Instagram to ‘blow the f–king house down,’ condemning her family’s behavior and calling it ‘of the devil.’

Britney Spears is continuing to express herself with abandon, sharing an Instagram post on Friday condemning her family for their gross mistreatment of her over the years. After saying her mom, Lynne Spears, “thrived on drama” and “screamed from the rooftops,” she slammed her parents for not going to therapy and noted how the practice was “looked down on” where she comes from. “I mean MY PARENTS never went to therapy they THRIVED AND LIVED WITH DRAMA every day of their f–king lives,” she went on. “I was always extremely embarrassed to talk about my personal life and still am to this day.” 

Britney Spears IG Caption Britney Spears condemns family in IG caption (Instagram).

She continued, “I believe you take it to God … it’s none of anybody’s business … That’s why forcing me so long to talk in therapy has never been my style yet at this point … my family has broken me so much I do need a little therapy … I just find it pretty sad in my hardest times not only my mother but my sister tell their books 📚 of their STORY … DRAMA … I don’t think that’s particularly nice … we are entitled to our own story but this drama is of the devil 😈 !!!” 

In addition, the “Me Against the Music” singer noted the “rainbow” she saw while staying Maui in her various photos shared to the social media platform, remaining hopeful that “God’s rainbow outweighs the storm infinitely.” 

“[T]hat’s the message I want to send to my mother and my sister whose books were what I should have said and the storm,” she went on.
So when you look at this rainbow 🌈 mother please understand this and this only … I am a woman now !!! I’m not the type of person to air dirty laundry but I’m sure as hell not going to sit back and be my family’s Jesus Christ !!! I will speak up and blow the f–king house down !!! My family again I will SAY IT … took it way too far with me I’m still not done.. and F–K YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY F–KING HEART !!!” 

Britney Spears Britney Spears (Shutterstock).

“I had a calling last night from Jesus and you know what he said ???” her caption started out. “‘Dear child … your mom had a serving with her book at the exact time when you needed her most …all for WHAT ??? FAME and ATTENTION !!!! Your ex did the same thing … he served with his first album using your name claiming you did him dirty !!!! Then your blood, one of the hardest times in your life guess what your sister does … a book too 📕 … all for what ????”