Carnival of Light and Treasury of Wisdom in Brazil
It's carnival time in Brazil and, as usual, Kadampas gathered at KMC Brazil temple for a meaningful holiday.

Carnival of Light & Treasury of Wisdom
Brasilian Dharma Celebration 2023
It's carnival time in Brazil and over 300 Kadampas gathered at Kadampa Meditation Center Brasil temple for a meaningful holiday.
Gen Mudita, Brazil's National Spiritual Director, granted the empowerment of Buddha Manjushri and commentary to the practice "Treasury of Wisdom", during a 5-day Dharma Celebration that was also filled with profound teachings on emptiness and the dangers of the inner poison of self-grasping ignorance taken from Venerable Geshe-la's oral instructions.
"Following the teachings, practitioners engaged in a 5-session retreat focusing on emptiness and self-generation practice taken from the book Tantric Grounds and Paths.
"The wonderful weather coupled with the beauty of the Temple landscape and the atmosphere of the Celebration provided a perfect holiday for Brazilians.
"Now, empowered by the blessings of Buddha Manjushri and having received all these teachings and put them into practice during the retreat, Kadampas from all over the country feel ready to go home and apply this to their daily life to ripen the wisdom potentials in their minds."