Completing powerful retreats before the Spring Festival
During the month of May, powerful retreats were held at the Sixth Temple Kadampa for the World Peace in Málaga, KMC Madrid, Tharpaland KMC and Ganden Ling KMC. A perfect preparation for the International Spring Festival

KMC MADRID - annual Refuge retreat
More than 90 fortunate people participated in our annual refuge retreat in the beautiful and peaceful natural surroundings of KMC Madrid.
Although we all have to face many difficulties and sufferings in life, it is possible to find an effective protection against all of them, a different source of refuge that will arise in our own heart. Buddhist refuge is the mind that seeks protection from suffering in the wisdom; that enables us to always maintain a happy mind. Buddha taught this wonderful jewel of wisdom that when it arises in our mind it protects us from suffering because it directly opposes the mental states that disturb inner peace and therefore destroy our happiness.
With deep gratitude to our Guru and to our kind Teacher, Gen Tsongmo, we return home blessed and inspired with a firm determination and promise to strive to receive Buddha’s blessings, to put Dharma into practice –our true inner refuge– and to receive help from Sangha, our supreme spiritual friends.