Connecting with Buddha’s blessings
This month precious blessing empowerments were given in Florida, Chiapas and Quebec. The empowerments offered us the special blessings of a deep guided meditation ceremony. We learned to strengthen and protect our wisdom and compassion.

Conecting with Medicine Buddha in Sherbrooke, Quebec
Over 40 people attended a Medicine Buddha empowerment at Tara Kadampa Buddhist Center in Sherbrooke, Quebec on 7 and 8 December.
It was a time of connection with the community, filled with mutual support, joy, gratitude and the inspiring energy of the Seven Medicine Buddhas.
It was an enriching experience, full of meaning.
The day continued with a commentary on the practice in the afternoon teaching of the Commentary on Practice and a day of retreat the following day, during which everyone had the pleasure of experiencing these prayers and requests.
Thank you Geshe-la for all your kindness.