Day 4 ~ Spring Festival 2022
Welcome to the 2022 Spring Festival Online Day 4 ~ the power of gathering Kadampa’s have gathered together from over 50 countries, like many small streams and rivers flowing into an ocean. You feel the power of gathering, especially...

Kadampa’s have gathered together from over 50 countries, like many small streams and rivers flowing into an ocean. You feel the power of gathering, especially after the last few years of pandemic restriction and isolation. Finally we can be together again.
Singing together in the temple has really embodied the joy that people are feeling being together again as an international community. It is wonderful to see the temple literally overflowing with people and to fill the temple right up to the golden lantern with the sound of prayers. As Gen-la Dekyong taught us, by deepening our faith in Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka, our root Guru, we can become his emanations, helping to flourish Kadam Dhama throughout the world.