Have a Cozy Weekend.
What are you up to this weekend? My dad is visiting, and we might see the movie One Fine Morning (have you seen it?). We also got some slice-and-bake cookie dough because the boys are hooked!… Read more The...

What are you up to this weekend? My dad is visiting, and we might see the movie One Fine Morning (have you seen it?). We also got some slice-and-bake cookie dough because the boys are hooked! Hope you have a good one, and here are a few fun links from around the web…
Whenever people ask me where to shop in Brooklyn, here’s my #1 recommendation. (These guys are at the top of my wishlist.)
Cheese and broccoli for the win.
Wow, how gorgeous is David Harbour and Lily Allen’s house? Dying over the wallpaper.
The definitive guide to raising preteens without letting them get to you (lol). “Let them be in bad moods, but let them know you’re here to help. Their hormones are nuts, their skin and hair is the ugliest it will ever be, their teeth are jacked, they can’t put together an outfit for shit, and they don’t know where they belong in the world. They are becoming independent and still strapped down as young children but feel like they are not kids. It’s hard for them. For my kids, sometimes, I would just say, ‘It’s clear you had a hard week, let’s just make popcorn and watch a movie that makes us cry.'”
How to listen completely. #bookmarked.
Sweater vests are everywhere right now — how cute is this and this?
A 60th birthday trip to Antarctica.
Who wants to make pottery with Seth Rogen?
A two-person game to play on Valentine’s Day.
Remember this birthday quiz? I made one for my sister last week and forgot how much fun they were.
Plus, three reader comments:
Says Rachel G. on my best $8 parenting purchase: “Inspired by Sophie Blackall’s Things To Look Forward To, I posted a blank piece of paper on the bathroom wall and taped a pen next it for people to add their own things they are looking forward to. My kids, in-laws, friends, and friends’ kids have all contributed, and I love that I get to feel stoked about their anticipations, as well as my own.”
Says NMK on slice-and-bake cookie dough: a taste test: “My favorite cookie tip, learned from high school chemistry: Once cookies have cooled after baking, put them in a storage container with a good lid, then break apart a piece of sandwich bread and slip both halves in. The cookies stay super soft and the bread gets rock hard. Dunk in milk for days to come. Enjoy!”
Says Ari on a love letter to my dog: “This year, our company offered us well-being stipends, and I spent mine on adopting a dog, who completely has my heart. I’ve been suffering from burnout, depression, and anxiety, and this dog is saving my life. I’m walking all day with him. He’ll lie all 50 pounds of him on me like a weighted blanket when I cry. He’ll run up to other dogs and get a conversation started. He’s also a darling to my son. When I playfully asked my son whether he thinks our dog is an older or younger brother to him, he simply said, ‘He’s my twin.’ SOB.”
I Ask Percy How I Should Live My Life
by Mary Oliver
Love, love, love, says Percy.
And hurry as fast as you can
along the shining beach, or the rubble, or the dust.
Then, go to sleep.
Give up your body heat, your beating heart.
Then, trust.
(Photo of Norway by Sergey Lukankin/Stocksy.)