How are we going to change?
It has been 70 days since KMC New York started their Winter Retreat and it has now come to an end. So many hours of meditation in one space, so many teachings, and so many prayers. Read a review...

"It has been 70 days since we started Winter Retreat and it has now come to an end. So many hours of meditation in one space, so many teachings, and so many prayers. For many people, this retreat is the creative space they need to make true inner change and quiet their busy mind. Now that retreat has come to a close, it's time for us to bring the peace and wisdom we've cultivated into our lives and make a real positive impact on the people around us. This isn't just a place to get away and relax, it's a place to change.
"Gen Samten always asks us, how are we going to change? A retreat can't remain as a nice memory, it needs to become the catalyst for the change we want. Who really knows the impact that this retreat will have on all of us? After having hundreds and hundreds of retreaters, both at home and in the Temple, The Oral Instructions of Mahamudra are now residing in the hearts of so many Kadampas from around the world. What a beautiful way to repay Venerable Geshe-la's kindness by practicing these precious instructions and becoming perfect vehicles to spread Kadam Dharma for generations.
"A sincere and heartfelt thank you to Gen Samten and Gen Rigpa who have guided us in this retreat, to each and every person who participated in the retreat, and to those who rejoiced from afar. This retreat is the heart of KMC New York, and you are always welcome."