I'm A Nutrition PhD & This Supplement Supports My Heart & Brain Health*
Americans aren't getting enough fish, so we created a solution.

"Fishy taste," "fish burp," and "I'll just start eating more fish." These are the top three reasons people share with me when they explain why they're not taking an omega-3 fish oil supplement. Perhaps it’s why you stopped taking one (or never started in the first place).
And who could blame you? Fish oil isn’t exactly the sexiest supplement, and with many questionable fish oil supplements on the market, the fear of getting rancid fish oil from your local vitamin shop or grocery store is, sadly, valid.
But here’s the thing: Omega-3 fats are vital for overall well-being and longevity.* I’m sure you’re aware of the vast benefits of omega-3s for cardiovascular health and cognitive function, but there’s a myriad of other areas of health that need these important fatty acids—including musculoskeletal health, joint health and mobility, and vision (to name a few).*
The problem? Getting adequate omega-3s is a nationwide struggle.
The average American diet is seriously lacking in omega-3s.
Since well over 90% of Americans fail to consume the baseline omega-3 recommendation (you know, two servings of fatty fish a week), I can safely say we're not eating more fish. Indeed, the omega-3 gap in our nation is massive. Metaphorically speaking, we don’t have bigger fish to fry when it comes to nutrition concerns.
As for the first two complaints (fishy taste and burp)? We heard you. As a Ph.D. nutrition scientist and dietitian who knows how underconsumed yet critically important the two marine omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are, I was on a mission to create an enjoyable (and dare I say, tasty) fish oil experience for folks.
But it also had to be effective (potent), high quality (pure), and authentic (traceable) from catch to capsule. After almost a year of work with top partners around the globe, we created the ultimate omega-3 supplement.
mindbodygreen’s high-quality omega-3 supplement solution.
Welcome to the new school of fish oil: mbg's omega-3 potency+. It's checking all the boxes and then some:
Whether you've taken an omega-3 supplement for years and are looking for a refresh or you're reconsidering dipping your toe in the "pond" after taking a break from fishy (i.e., questionable) products, we've got you covered with omega-3 potency+.
We optimized source, potency, purity, taste, traceability, and evidence-based transparency to deliver an exciting fish oil product you can trust. Plus, it's sustainable from sea to softgel—one more reason to feel good about investing in your omega-3 nutrition and health for life.
After years of taking a different fish oil supplement, I’ve made the switch to this high-potency, ultra-pure omega-3 daily essential—and I hope you will too!
† 1 serving (2 gelcaps) of omega-3 potency+ delivers 1,500 mg (1.5 g) of EPA + DHA. That’s equivalent to the omega-3s (EPA + DHA) provided in 1 serving of oily fish (anchovies).
If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.