Introducing the 2023 Web3 marketing trailblazers

Changemakers on the list lead the marketing and advertising industry into the metaverse, AI and blockchain.

Introducing the 2023 Web3 marketing trailblazers

The honorees on Ad Age’s inaugural list of Web3 marketing trailblazers represent the cutting edge of Web3 marketing.

These 20 individuals hail from a wide breadth of organizations, including traditional brands and agencies, tech companies, Web3-focused agencies, metaverse platforms and NFT communities. Their particular efforts in the space are equally widespread: Some have focused on enhancing consumer engagement via virtual experiences; others have focused their attention to diversity initiatives in order to make Web3 a more equitable ecosystem from the start; still others have turned Web3 technology on its head for the purpose of maximizing mainstream adoption.

Whatever their particular specialty, the members of this inaugural class reflect both commitment and boldness for developing an industry that is not only young, but also complex, unpredictable and sometimes, hard to love. It is with respect to the uncharted nature of Web3 that these individuals are trailblazers, and why their efforts deserve to be recognized.

Below is a fact sheet on the Web3 marketing honorific, the judging and more.

What were the criteria for those selected for Web3 Trailblazers?

Honorees were selected based on their contributions to advancing a brand’s Web3 strategy. Each trailblazer exhibited at least one significant example in the past 12 months, though most went far beyond this requirement. From coordinating and developing virtual worlds in platforms such as Roblox and The Sandbox to initiating token-based loyalty programs, the honorees each demonstrated a major effort to push Web3 beyond hype and abstraction. 

How does Ad Age define “Web3”?

Our definition of Web3 is open-ended, but for the purpose of considering submissions, we needed to see some use of virtual technology (i.e. games, influencers, fashion), NFTs, blockchain, cryptocurrency, generative AI and/or mixed reality.

Who were the judges for Web3 Trailblazers?

The judges were reporters and editors from Ad Age’s tech team, who are all deeply familiar with the ins and outs of the Web3 space. While the formal judging period occurred after submissions closed in February, each of the judges had, in a sense, been informally judging for well over a year via their reporting on and discussions with key contributors in the burgeoning industry.

Is there an event to celebrate the honorees?

While there will be no in-person celebration, the trailblazers will all be honored at Ad Age’s Web3 marketing summit, which takes place virtually on May 9 and 10. 

How can I enter for next year’s honorific?

We appreciate the enthusiasm, but submissions will likely not open until this fall.