JetBlue to launch daytime Heathrow-New York service
Flights begin on March 25

JetBlue will operate a daily daytime service between Heathrow and New York from March 25.
The new service has been made possible as the airline acquired an additional slot at Heathrow bringing it up to two flights to New York each day, one in the daytime and one overnight.
The new daytime flight will depart JFK at 8.30am local time, arriving in London at 8.45pm, and depart Heathrow at 8.25am, arriving in New York at 11.40am.
To accommodate the second Heathrow flight, the airline has reduced its services from Gatwick from two to one.
Services from Heathrow and Gatwick to Boston are unchanged, meaning the airline will continue to operate five daily transatlantic flights.