Mayer Brown establishes joint law venture in Singapore
The firm has teamed up with PK Wong & Nair to offer clients in the region a comprehensive suite of legal expertise.

The firm has teamed up with PK Wong & Nair to offer clients in the region a comprehensive suite of legal expertise.

November 08, 2022
Last month, Chicago-headquartered law firm, Mayer Brown, announced its collaboration with Singaporean legal practice, PK Wong Nair, to establish a joint law venture JLV in the city-state.
The JLV, which sees the firms combine to form Mayer Brown PK Wong Nair Pte. Ltd., will be led by managing director of PK Wong Nair, Mark Wong pictured right, and Mayer Brown partner Yu Jin Tay pictured left, confirmed Duncan Abate, Mayer Brown’s Asia chair.
He told FinanceAsia that the partnership will comprise more than 30 lawyers, including 17 partners, initially, and explained that the lawyers will work together on the same premises, with PK...
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