Media measurement uncertainty—tracking TV, social and digital

How Nielsen and other media companies are navigating the measurement upheaval, plus industry reactions.

Media measurement uncertainty—tracking TV, social and digital

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Measurement is in the midst of an upheaval. The sheer number of platforms for content delivery, coupled with the shortcomings of measurement stalwarts, have made analyzing campaign reach and effectiveness increasingly more complicated. 

At the center of the saga is Nielsen, which has monopolized the measurement of TV audiences until its accuracy was called into question, and its rivals, who have been vying for a multi-currency TV market. Media companies and TV ad leaders have been cautiously exploring a post-Nielsen world, integrating currency alternatives such as VideoAmp, Comscore and within their deals. 

Elsewhere, the industry is also looking to try to get a handle on how to measure new platforms as more ad dollars shift to social channels like TikTok and are being invested in influencer marketing. 

Check back for the latest on the subject, including reactions from media companies, agencies and more.