My Dog Is Judging You

The shade! By the wonderful Brooke Barker. P.S. Weekend dog shapes and 14 adorable quarantine pets.… Read more The post My Dog Is Judging You appeared first on Cup of Jo.

My Dog Is Judging You

Love that. And I love the sniff urge. I read somewhere about how sniffing was like reading books for dogs. They need variety and lots of it. So it makes me happy when my dog is taking extra sniffs; I always say to myself that she’s reading books, and that warms my heart.
I have what’s called here, in Germany, a Zwergpoodle. My particular poodle wants nothing to do with any other dogs. She never barks or growls at them, she just turns away or insists on moving along. She side-eyes dogs, and I know that other dog owners think she‘s weird. I spent a lot of her puppyhood always trying to explain her cold shoulder behaviour. Haha, I’ve grown. When she‘s with her humans, she’s the most playful, warm, funny, salt of the earth, kind, loving pooch, and if she‘s got a snobby rep at the dog park, it is what it is.