My Favorite YouTube Channels for Yoga Moms

YouTube is kind of guilty pleasure. I often get my little ones tucked into bed and immediately make a beeline to the couch and binge watch YouTube videos until I can’t keep my eyes open any more. So, what...

My Favorite YouTube Channels for Yoga Moms

videos for moms

YouTube is kind of guilty pleasure. I often get my little ones tucked into bed and immediately make a beeline to the couch and binge watch YouTube videos until I can’t keep my eyes open any more.

So, what am I spending so many hours staying up watching each night? It’s a mix, really. I love learning new things–sometimes just for the sake of learning it–but also so I can better help the mamas I serve in my prenatal yoga and postnatal yoga classes.

It occurred to me recently that if I find the information I’m learning from these channels so helpful, that you might, too. So, I put together a list for you of my favorite YouTube channels for yoga mamas.

Here goes…

My 5 Favorite YouTube Channels for Yoga Moms

Spoiled Yogi

Yes, I am putting myself top on this list. It is my list, after all, and I put out videos every week that I’m proud of over on YouTube. Since you’re reading my blog, I wanted to make sure you know about my channel, too!

Here’s what you’ll find there:

Free Prenatal Yoga videos – I’ve been uploading tons of prenatal yoga videos lately for my pregnant yoga students–everything from First Trimester Exhaustion to Yoga Poses for Labor. I also love posting yoga pose tutorials like Poses to Avoid and Pregnancy and Pregnancy Modifications for Savasana and Downward Facing Dog.

Free Yoga Videos for Moms – Whether you’re a week postpartum or 10 years postpartum, you’ll find free yoga videos and meditation videos that are geared toward your unique needs as a mom.

Yogaland Podcast

Yogaland podcast has been around for a few years now, but only recently has it been available on YouTube.

These videos by Andrea Ferretti and Jason Crandell are full of helpful insights about how to navigate sharing yoga on the world wide web, tips for teaching yoga, inspiration for practicing at home. They haven’t really gone there much in their YouTube videos so far, but the podcast is full of gems about how yoga and mindfulness practices can help with the very real sruggles of parenting. I’ve yet to find a resource that is higher quality.

Full disclosure: I worked with these two at Yoga Journal way back in the day and still work with them on their online projects today. I might be a teensy bit biased, since I consider them both mentors. But I’m pretty sure they’d be on my list anyway.

Mama Doctor Jones

Yoga is often lumped into the health and fitness category, which makes a lot of sense. But it’s important not to confuse the advice of yoga teachers with that of medical professionals. I often refer my prenatal yoga students here in Charleston, SC to the many OBGYNs, chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists, and certfied lactation consultants in the area.

I don’t have a strong network of care providers outside of Charleston, but I really love Mama Doctor Jones on YouTube, because she answers some of the common questions I get about health during pregnancy, postpartum, and women’s health in general on her YouTube channel. Best of all, she does it in a way that is down to earth and relatable. It’s like having coffee with a friend who also just so happens to be an OB/Gyn.

Needless to say, a YouTube channel is no substitute for actually seeing your doctor. But it’s a great resource for quick questions or if you’re just interested in learning more about women’s health topics. I adore this woman and her channel. I know you will, too.

The Minimal Mom

This is one of my favorites because she’s such a champion of simple living. The Minimal Mom gave me a realistic glimpse of how living a more simplified life can work in a family with little children running around. In short, I was skeptical that I’d be able to downside my family’s stuff and feel more spaciousness in my life. It’s totally possible and worth doing!

Though this channel has nothing to do with yoga directly, there’s definitely an element of mindfulness that comes with simple living. I love this doable approach to minimalism–it’s not rigid and can be modified to suit different preferences and circumstances.

Parenting Junkie

I’ve been loving The Parenting Junkie for inspiration on all things mom life. Avita is a parenting coach and YouTuber (obviously) that teaches “peaceful parenting,” which she calls “a mindful, respectful, simple and gentle approach to raising children.”

There’s a lot of Montesorri style tips on this page, talk about simplifying your life so you can enjoy the things that matter most (and so your kids can, too), and all around sound advice on how to keep your home happy. She has young kids at home, and I love her relatable her advice is.

Bonus!: Favorite YouTube Channel for Kids – Cosmic Kids Yoga

I’ve taken a few trainings to learn how to teach yoga to kids. I have kids who I have tried to teach yoga to on numerous occasions. I’ve taught Mommy and Me Yoga lots, too. And you know what? It’s hard–really really hard.

Kids have crazy, wild energy and short attention spans. When someone connects with them on their level and you see them actually clicking with the yoga practice, it’s magic.

That’s what I see when I give my kids a yoga break with Cosmic Kids Yoga. The story-based classes are age-appropriate and fun for the whole family. There are tons of fun theme classes based on movies my kids know so they’re really excited to do them.

I really love to do yoga with my kids on their level every now and then (instead of them always having to join in MY practice). It’s been a really fun way to bond with them during the extra time we’re at home right now.

Do you have a favorite YouTube channel? Don’t forget to share it with us by commenting below!